| 6 | Contract | AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 42 (CCO 42) by State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract of the Segment 5 of I-5 South Capacity Improvements Project from Orange County Line to I-605 under the Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0004292A-3, in the total amount of $1,700,000 within the LOP budget. | | |
Not available
| 7 | Contract | AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 115 (CCO 115) by State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract of the Segment 4 of I-5 South Capacity Improvements Project from Orange County Line to I-605 under the Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0004292A-3, in the total amount of $577,500 within the LOP budget. | | |
Not available
| 29 | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE status update on the State Route 710 (SR 710) North Project environmental process including explanation of the performance measures/scoring and methodology used to compare and contrast various alternatives studied in the environmental process leading to recommendation of the Preferred Alternative. | | |
Not available
| 29 | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE status update on the State Route 710 (SR 710) North Project environmental process including explanation of the performance measures/scoring and methodology used to compare and contrast various alternatives studied in the environmental process leading to recommendation of the Preferred Alternative. | | |
Not available