Meeting date/time:
9:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012,
3rd Floor, Metro Board Room Regular Board Meeting
| 2. | Informational Report | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held June 25, 2015. | | |
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| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | Chair’s Report | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | Report of the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 11. | Policy | ADOPT the FY16 Proposed Audit Plan. | | |
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| 12. | Policy | CONSIDER:
A. supporting the establishment of the proposed Central Avenue Historic Business Improvement District (“BID”) in the City of Los Angeles and the resulting assessments on properties within the District boundaries owned by LACMTA; and
B. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer or his delegate to sign any necessary petition and cast any subsequent ballots in support of the BID and property assessments. | | |
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| 13. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. establish an IT Services Bench, through (RFIQ) No. PS92403383, consisting solely of vendors who have been deemed qualified to participate in future IT task order work for technical disciplines 1 through 16 below. The qualified vendors recommended in Attachment B for a five-year period will openly compete to perform individual professional service task orders for a cumulative total value of $17 million. Individual task orders will be awarded based on a competition via the Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
1. Platform / End User Computing Systems | | |
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| | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. establish an IT Services Bench, through (RFIQ) No. PS92403383, consisting solely of vendors who have been deemed qualified to participate in future IT task order work for technical disciplines 1 through 16 below. The qualified vendors recommended in Attachment B for a five-year period will openly compete to perform individual professional service task orders for a cumulative total value of $17 million. Individual task orders will be awarded based on a competition via the Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
1. Platform / End User Computing Systems | | |
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| 14. | Program | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and award excess liability insurance policies with up to $250 million in limits at a cost not to exceed $3.65 million for the 12-month period effective August 1, 2015 to August 1, 2016. | | |
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| 21. | Plan | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) adopting the locally developed 2016-2019 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Los Angeles County (see Attachment A for Executive Summary) to comply with the requirements of the federal Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). | | |
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| 22. | Program | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION receiving and filing potential financial impacts of June 2015 Item 14 Board motions on Metro Countywide Bikeshare. | | |
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| 22.1 | Motion / Motion Response | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION approving Ridley-Thomas Motion that the Metro Board of Directors instruct the Chief Executive Officer to proceed as follows:
A. Continue to work with the cities of Santa Monica and Long Beach, which have executed a contract and plan to move forward with an alternate bikeshare provider to achieve the Interoperability Objectives as presented at the June 2015 Board meeting, including title sponsorship, branding and marketing, membership reciprocity, reciprocal docks, a unified fare structure and data sharing;
B. Consistent with the Interoperability Objectives, require that any city with an existing bikeshare vendor contract as of June 25, 2015, using a bikeshare system other than Metro’s selected system, shall be eligible for up to 35% of operating and maintenance funding support from Metro on condition that the city or cities agree to fully participate in a Metro Countywide Bikeshare Title Sponsorship by reserving on bike title placement and associated branding for Metro’s Sponsor (including branding, color, and | | |
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| 23. | Program | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute a grant agreement with the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) to implement a ride share demonstration project for events. Amount of funding to be granted to SBCCOG is not to exceed $250,000. | | |
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A. award a seven-year cost-plus-fixed fee Contract No. PS298340011486 (RFP No. PS11486), to Gruen Associates for the Airport Metro Connector (AMC) 96th Street Transit Station for a not-to-exceed amount of $17,789,897 for architectural and engineering services to design the AMC 96th Street Transit Station and provide design support services during construction; and
B. approve Contract Modification Authority specific to Contract No. PS298340011486 in the amount of $3,557,979 to cover the cost of any unforeseen issues that may arise during the course of the contract. | | |
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| 27. | Contract | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. execute Contract Modification No. 12 for Contract No. PS4320-2003, Metro Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 Project Alternatives Analysis, Environmental Clearance and Conceptual Engineering Consultant Services, with CDM Smith/AECOM, Joint Venture, in the amount of $2,898,336 to address post-Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/EIR) Cooperating Agency comments and investigate refinements as directed by the Metro Board in November 2014, increasing the total contract value from $15,548,379 to $18,446,715; | | |
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| 27.1 | Motion / Motion Response | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving amending Motion by Directors Garcetti, Knabe, Solis, DuBois, Fasana and Dupont-Walker that the Board instruct the CEO to provide quarterly updates every 60 days starting with the September 2015 Board cycle as follows:
A. Report on the project contractual scope of work and provide a description of the task orders for the technical study;
B. Provide the project schedule and related milestones for both the technical analysis and environmental planning process for all the alternatives under consideration and study; and
C. In the regular quarterly updates, provide, at a minimum, the following:
1. Project schedule updates;
2. Progress reports with third-party agencies on the local, state, and federal level; and
3. Community outreach schedule and meeting results, including any concerns raised by stakeholders. | | |
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A. approving the recommended federal Section 5310 funding awards totaling $4,713,220 for Traditional Capital Projects and up to $1,615,177 for Other Capital and Operating Projects, as shown in Attachments A and B, respectively;
B. amending the fiscal year (FY) 2016 Budget to add the necessary revenues and expenses for the recommended and previously approved Section 5310 funded projects, once the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) awards grant funds (see Attachment C for the Allocation Process);
C. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer or his designee to negotiate and execute pass-through agreements with agencies as sub-recipients approved for funding once the FTA awards Section 5310 grant funds;
D. certifying that the Section 5310 funds were fairly and equitably allocated to eligible sub-recipients and that to the maximum extent feasible, Section 5310 funded services are coordinated with transportation services assisted by other federal departments and agencies; and
E. certifying that all projects recommended | | |
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| 34. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to amend the FY16 budget to add 33 non-contract full-time equivalent (FTE) positions:
A. 18 non-contract FTE positions (with 7 non-contract FTE positions already accounted in the FY 16 budget) by converting new Construction Management Support Services(CMSS)/consultant positions to support Measure R transit projects for Engineering & Construction (E&C) Department;
B. 2 non-contract FTE positions by converting consultant positions to support Environmental Compliance and Sustainability projects for E&C Department (Refer to Appendix 1);
C. 3 non-contract FTE positions to support capital transit projects for E&C Department (refer to Appendix 2);
D. 4 non-contract FTE positions by converting new CMSS/consultant positions to support Measure R transit projects for Program Management Office (Refer to Appendix 3);
E. 4 non-contract FTE positions by converting new CMSS/consultant positions to support Measure R transit projects for Vendor/Contract Management Department (Refer to Appendix 4); and
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| 35. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) authorizing:
A. an increase to the total contract value for Contract No. MC069, with Stantec Consulting, Inc., to provide Construction Management Support Services in an amount not-to-exceed $10,953,136 for the FY16 six-month Work Program Funding from $86,459,000 to $97,412,136; and
B. the Chief Executive Officer to execute individual Contract Work Orders and Modifications within the Board approved contract value. | | |
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| 36. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute Contract Modification No. 3 to Contract No. MC070, to ARCADIS U.S., Inc., to continue providing Construction Management Support Services (CMSS) through December 31, 2015 for the Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, in the amount of $5,955,000, increasing the total contract value from $11,180,690 to $17,135,690. | | |
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| 37. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute Change Modification No. 2 to Contract No. MC071, Westside Extension Support Team (WEST), to continue providing Construction Management Support Services (CMSS) for six months of FY16 for the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 1 Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $6,487,628, increasing the total contract value from $14,513,451 to $21,001,079. | | |
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A. authorizing an increase to the total authorized funding for Contract No. PS100800-2641 with MARRS Services, Inc., for pending and future task orders to provide Construction Management Consultant (CMC) Support Services, in an amount not to exceed $2,144,000, increasing the total contract value from $7,744,000 to $9,888,000; and
B. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute individual Task Orders (TOs) and Contract Modifications within the Board approved contract funding amount. | | |
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A. authorizing an increase to the total authorized funding for Contract No. PS100800-2641 with MARRS Services, Inc., for pending and future task orders to provide Construction Management Consultant (CMC) Support Services, in an amount not to exceed $2,144,000, increasing the total contract value from $7,744,000 to $9,888,000; and
B. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute individual Task Orders (TOs) and Contract Modifications within the Board approved contract funding amount. | | |
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A. finding that awarding design-build contracts pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242 (a) will achieve private sector efficiencies in the integration of the design, project work, and components related to the construction and installation of energy efficient lights in Metro’s Gateway Headquarters Building;
B. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to award the competitively bid design-build contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, pursuant to Public Utiliities Code Section 130051.9 (c); and
C. approving an increase of Contract Modification Authority (CMA) for Contract No. PS07643022 with Control Technologies to provide Building Management System upgrades in the amount of $1,000,000, increasing the CMA from $100,000 to $1,100,000. | | |
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| 40. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to award a 28 month firm fixed price contract, under Invitation for Bid No. C1078, with Clark Construction Group, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the final design and construction of the Maintenance of Way/Non-Revenue Vehicle Maintenance Building to be constructed as part of the Division 20 Yard and Shops expansion for a firm fixed price of $52,830,310. | | |
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| 40.1 | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER Motion by Directors Dupont-Walker and Solis that the Board instruct the CEO to:
A. direct staff to establish a design advisory working group that includes representatives from the following entities:
1. Metro Operations
2. Metro Construction
3. Metro Arts
4. Metro Planning
5. MOW Design-Build Team
6. City of Los Angeles 6th Street Bridge Design-Build Team
7. Arts District Community
B. direct staff to report back to the board on a monthly basis on progress that is made with the advisory group to explore the following objectives:
1. Site placement of the MOW Facility is placed the farthest distance from Santa Fe as allowed by operational functionality and applicable building codes.
2. Parking on the site is optimized
3. Adoption of architectural design that reflects Metro’s most recent efforts
C. direct staff to report back in 60 days with a detailed outreach and engagement process for incorporating art into the Maintenance of Way Facility including the following elements:
1. Forming a selection panel including Downtown-based art pro | | |
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| 41. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute a five year contract, Contract No. PS84203243, with Cumming Construction Management, Inc. for Sustainability Program Assistance Services on Task Orders for a total amount not-to-exceed $12,481,230 inclusive of three base years (not to exceed $7,339,981) with two one-year options (year one =$2,545,173 and year two = $2,596,076.) | | |
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| 42. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute a five year contract, Contract No. PS84203274, with Kleinfelder, Inc. for Environmental Engineering and Consulting services on Task Orders, inclusive of three base years and two one-year option years with a total not-to-exceed amount of $12,000,000.00. Base year contract value is $7.2 million; Option year one contract value is $2.4 million; and Option year two contract value is $2.4 million. | | |
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A. authorizing a Contract Modification No. 40 (a.k.a. Contract Change Order, CCO 40) by Caltrans for Segment 3 construction contract of the I-5 North Capacity Enhancements from SR-134 to SR-118 under the Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0008355/8501 A/A5, in the amount of $1,000,000 without an increase in the project budget or contract value. The contract value of this project remains $405,575,000; and
B. authorizing a Contract Modification No. 74 (a.k.a. Contract Change Order, CCO 74) by Caltrans for Segment 3 construction contract of the I-5 North Capacity Enhancements from SR-134 to SR-118 under the Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0008355/8501 A/A5, in the amount of $1,500,000 without an increase in the project budget or contract value. The contract value of this project remains $405,575,000. | | |
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| 44. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION approving an increase in the Contract Modification Authority (CMA) to Contract No. PS0933432406A with STV Incorporated (STV) in the amount of $250,000, increasing the total CMA from $500,000 to $750,000 for the design support during construction for the Patsaouras Plaza Busway Station. | | |
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A. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to continue issuing task orders within the previously Board approved total contract not-to-exceed amount of $38,000,000 for Contract EN077, with ARCADIS U.S., Inc., for the life of the contract, of which only $21,200,000 the Board had authorized for expenditure in FY12 through FY14; and
B. authorizing the CEO to exercise Option Year One for FY16. | | |
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| 46. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION approving an increase in the Contract Modification Authority (CMA) to Contract No. OP33402180 with Maintenance Design Group (MDG) in the amount of $350,000, increasing the total CMA from $1,350,000 to $1,700,000 for design support during construction for the Division 13 Bus Maintenance and Operations Facility. | | |
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| 47. | Informational Report | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute Contract Modification No. 39 to Contract No. E0117 with Hatch Mott MacDonald (HMM), to continue Phase III Design Services During Construction (DSDC) support, in the amount of $6,656,000, increasing the total contract value from $54,414,652 to $61,070,652. | | |
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| 48. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the CEO to execute Contract Modification No. 22 to Contract No. E0119 with The Connector Partnership Joint Venture (CPJV) Inc. to continue providing Design Support Services During Construction through FY16 for the Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, in the amount of $8,283,594, increasing the total contract value from $54,770,985 to $63,054,579. This action does not increase Life of Project Budget. | | |
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| 49. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a cost-plus-fixed-fee Contract No. PS2415-3412 with STV, Inc. for the Brighton to Roxford Double Track Project in the amount of $12,500,000 inclusive of all design phases. This contract is for three years. | | |
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A. adopting Life-of-Project (LOP) budget for Project 205104 (Metro Blue Line (MBL) Pedestrian Active Grade Crossing Improvements Installation) of $30,175,000;
B. increasing the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget for Project 205104 in Cost Center, 3960 - Rail Transit Engineering, by $12,897,000 to fund the FY 2016 cash flow for these pedestrian grade crossing safety enhancements; and
C. authorizing the CEO to negotiate and execute a Public Highway at-Grade Crossing Improvement Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) according to the Term Sheet (Attachment B). | | |
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| 55. | Motion / Motion Response | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) approving nominees for membership on Metro’s Gateway Cities, San Fernando Valley, and San Gabriel Valley Service Councils. | | |
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| 58. | Contract | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) finding that awarding this low-bid design-build contract pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242 (a) will achieve private sector efficiencies by integrating the design project work and components, obtaining Los Angeles County Fire Department approval for project work, and replacing the Fire Sprinkler System in Metro’s Gateway Headquarters Building;
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| 59. | Informational Report | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) authorizing the award of a sole source, non-competitive firm fixed price contract to Dematic Corporation (Dematic) for the upgrade of Metro’s Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) Mini-Load and Unit Load, CP# 209072,for an amount not to exceed $1,294,517 for a period of ten months. | | |
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| 61. | Contract | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute contract Modification No. 8 to Contract No, OP24122716 with Xerox State and Local Solutions, Inc to provide Transit Court Citation Processing Services to extend the contract for up to three (3) months for the period covering September 1, 2015, through November 30, 2015, for a not-to-exceed amount of $195,000, thereby increasing the total contract value from $2,069,692.20 to $2,264,692.20. | | |
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| 65. | Policy | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION receiving and filing the Federal Fiscal Year 2016 through 2018 (FFY 2016 - 2018) 18% Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) overall goal and goal methodology report. | | |
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| 65.1 | Motion / Motion Response | WE THEREFORE MOVE THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
A. Direct the Chief Executive Officer to engage the Transportation Business Advisory Council to ensure that there is an adequate understanding of potential local firms that can be engaged to complete the word that will be funded by the Federal Transit Administration during the Federal Fiscal Years 2016-2018 period and report back to the Board in September 2015 with a recommendation on the feasibility of increasing the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Overall Goal.
B. Report back on MTA’s DBE certification review process and discuss the criteria and principles used.
C. Evaluate whether current staffing levels and resources are comparable with those of other countywide federal funding recipients.
D. Provide an update on progress, methodology and projected schedule for the next DBE Disparity Study, including but not limited to focus on historically underutilized businesses. | | |
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| 68. | Policy | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDED (4-0-1) adopting updated Metro Joint Development Policy (Attachment B). | | |
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| 68.1 | Motion / Motion Response | WE THEREFORE MOVE that the Board of Directors instruct the Chief Executive Officer to take the following actions:
1. Amend the Joint Development Policy to:
a. Define affordable housing as housing that is covenant-controlled, provided on an income-restricted basis to qualifying tenants earning 60% or less than Area Medium Income as defined by the CA Tax Credit Allocation Committee, and often subsidized by public or non-profit funding sources; and
b. Include language that promotes the consideration of affordable housing that has deeper affordability, including the creation of new units affordable to very low-income and extremely low-income households; and
2. After implementation, further analyze the proposed land discount policy to evaluate whether it can be used as a tool to encourage the development of more very low or extremely low income units and report back to the Board within 120 days with a summary of the potential benefits and consequences to linking the land discount to the percentage of very low or extremely low income units in a project.
3. A percentage of | | |
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| 69. | Ordinance / Administrative Code | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0):
A. adopting the attached Parking Ordinance, as set forth in Attachment A (“Metro Parking Ordinance”), enacting a new Title 8 to Metro’s existing Administrative Code;
B. adopting the attached Fee Resolution, as set forth in Attachment B (“Metro Parking Rates and Permit Fee Resolution”) establishing parking rates and permit fees at all Metro operated parking facilities and proposed new parking fees at Los Angeles Union Station;
C. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to implement and begin regulating the adopted Metro Parking Ordinance and Parking Fee Resolution at all Metro operated parking facilities. Systemwide including proposed new fees at Los Angeles Union Station; and
D. authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to deposit all additional revenues generated into the Risk Allocation Matrix Internal Savings Account (RISA), pending Board approval of the full concept later this year. | | |
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| 70. | Informational Report | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED (5-0) adopting the following Official and Operational station names for the eight stations that comprise Metro Rail’s Crenshaw/LAX line:
Official Station Name Operational Station Name
1. Expo/Crenshaw Expo/Crenshaw
2. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr.
3. Leimert Park Leimert Park
4. Hyde Park Hyde Park
5. Fairview Heights Fairview Heights
6. Downtown Inglewood Downtown Inglewood
7. Westchester Westchester
8. Aviation/Century Aviation/Century | | |
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| 70.1 | Motion / Motion Response | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) approving Motion by Directors Ridley-Thomas and Butts that the Board of Directors adopt Westchester/Veterans as the official and operational name for the station of the Crenshaw/LAX Line which is located at the intersection of Florence Avenue and Hindry Avenue. | | |
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| 72. | Program | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the obligation of $90 million in federal Regional Surface Transportation Program funds for the Interstate 405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements project. | | |
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| 74. | Policy | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate salaries within the pay range for the following positions:
A. Executive Director, Program Management, pay grade CC ($222,476 - $273,894 - $325,353)
B. Executive Director, Transit Project Delivery, pay grade BB ($166,462 - $208,083 - $249,704)
C. Executive Officer, System Security and Law Enforcement, pay grade AA ($156,832 - $196,060 - $235,227)
D. Deputy Chief Executive Officer, pay grade DD ($278,470 - $339,747 - $401,003) | | |
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| 75. | Budget | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION amending the FY 16 Budget to add $800,000 to Project 405556 Systemwide Planning in Cost Center 4330, Countywide Planning and Development to cover the design costs for modifications to the Crenshaw/LAX (C/LAX) station design for consistency with the Systemwide Station Design. | | |
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| 76. | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER Motion by Mayor Garcetti to direct the CEO to report back in 60 days on the following items related to the operations of Angels Flight; the historic funicular operating in the Bunker Hill area of downtown Los Angeles:
A. A historical summary of operations for Angels Flight including past closures and safety related issues;
B. A summary of State and Federal safety findings pertaining to Angels Flight; and
C. Recommendations for resuming operations. | | |
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