| 50. | Proclamation | AS A RESULT of the current state of emergency as proclaimed by the Governor, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health and safety of the attendees. | | |
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| 20. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS123964000 to GP Generate, LLC to provide advertising and communications services in the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of $1,435,875 for the three-year base term, and $957,250 for the two-year option term, for a total NTE amount of $2,393,125, effective February 15, 2025, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any; and
B. PASS-THROUGH the award of individual media purchases associated with the advertising and media services to be provided by GP Generate, LLC for a total NTE amount of $9,000,000 for the first three-year period and additional pass-through costs of $6,000,000 for the option term under Contract No. PS123964000, for a total combined NTE contract value of $17,393,125. | | |
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| 21. | Motion / Motion Response | RECEIVE AND FILE the Board Administration 5-Year Strategic Plan annual update (Attachment C). | | |
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| 22. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE January 2025 State and Federal Legislative Report. | | |
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| 23. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Hahn, Solis, Dutra, and Dupont-Walker that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. Rename the Metro station currently known as "Long Beach Blvd" to "Lynwood Station," better representing the city of Lynwood and the surrounding neighborhoods that the station serves and fostering a connection between the Metro system and the local community;
B. Notify the City of Lynwood, local businesses, community organizations, and other key stakeholders about the name change in advance of the official rollout;
C. Launch a public awareness campaign via social media, Metro’s website, and local news outlets to inform the public of the change; and
D. Update station signs, platform displays, and digital information systems to reflect the new name. | | |
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| 11. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING the I-605 CIP Community Outreach Summary Report (Attachment A) that describes the community reengagement meetings that were held to present revised alternatives and findings in accordance with Board Motion 42 (Attachment B); and
B. REAUTHORIZING the work that is needed to re-initiate the environmental review phase of the I-605 CIP with an emphasis on safety and multimodal projects, with the understanding that all Alternatives may be subject to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) mitigation analysis except Alternative 2. | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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