| 5. | Application | APPROVE the programming of $108.79 million in state and local funds to commit local match for Metro’s grant applications to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to procure up to 160 battery-electric buses and supportive charging infrastructure and for related workforce development activities, as detailed in the funding plan in Attachment A. | | |
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| 6. | Program | CONSIDER:
1. programming of an additional $550,000 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Active Transportation Program (Attachment A);
2. programming of an additional $3,449,000 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Transit Program (Attachment B);
3. inter-program borrowing and programming of an additional $2,400,000 from the Subregion’s Measure M MSP - Active Transportation Program to the Highway Efficiency Program (Attachment C); and
B. REPROGRAMMING of projects previously approved to meet environmental, design, right-of-way, and construction time frames; and
C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects. | | |
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Not available
| 7. | Program | CONSIDER:
1. programming of an additional $150,000 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Bus System Improvement Program, (Attachment A);
2. programming of an additional $6,452,974 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Active Transportation Program (Attachment B);
3. inter-program borrowing and programming of an additional $8,395,000 from Measure M MSP - Active Transportation and Highway Demand Based Programs to the First/Last Mile and Complete Streets Program (Attachment C); and
4. programming of $1,000,000 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Highway Demand Based Program (Attachment E); and
B. REPROGRAMMING of projects previously approved in order to meet environmental, design, right-of-way, and construction time frames; and
C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects. | | |
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| 8. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. Alternative 1, the “No Build” alternative, as the new Locally Preferred Alternative for the I-710 South Corridor Project Final Environmental Document; and
B. RECEIVING AND FILING overview of 710 Task Force and development of the I-710 South Corridor Investment Plan in place of the previous I-710 South Corridor Project. | | |
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Not available
| 9. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Solis, Mitchell, and Dutra that:
Given that the 710 Task Force will very soon be finalizing the project’s Vision Statement, Guiding Principles, and Goals, the Chief Executive Officer shall report back on the Task Force’s recommendations for these project directives in June 2022 for Board consideration and approval.
Given the 710 Task Force’s pending Vision Statement, Guiding Principles, and Goals, we, further direct that the 710 South Corridor Project shall be renamed, in consultation with the 710 Task Force and corridor stakeholders, in order to be more inclusive of the priorities and approaches that will be advanced in the future of this project, with attention to more than just the freeway, with a new name to be presented to the Board for consideration and approval in September 2022.
Given that capacity expansion freeway widening will not get support from Caltrans or the U.S. EPA, we adopt as Board policy that capacity expansion freeway widening will no longer be in the project.
We, therefore, further direct the Chief Executive Officer | | |
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| 10. | Resolution | APPROVE the Resolution in Attachment A that:
A. AUTHORIZES the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to claim $51,241,974 in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 LCTOP grant funds for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Operations Project and/or the Fareless System Initiative (FSI) Pilot;
B. CERTIFIES that Metro will comply with LCTOP certification and assurances and the authorized agent requirements; and
C. AUTHORIZES the CEO or their designee to execute all required documents and any amendment with the California Department of Transportation.
BUTTS AMENDMENT: Since LCTOP is eligible for Crenshaw Startup and Operations as well as the FSI Pilot Program, I would move to request a report back in August on the Operations funding outlook beyond Fiscal Year 23 and how LCTOP can help forestall the expected operations deficit specifically as it pertains to Crenshaw. | | |
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| 11. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE status update on Mariachi Plaza. | | |
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Not available
| 12. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE oral report on the status of Countywide Planning Major Projects. | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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Not available