Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Planning and Programming Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/19/2025 11:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012, 3rd Floor, Metro Board Room
Watch online: Listen by phone: Dial 888-978-8818 and enter Access Code: 5647249# (English) or 7292892# (Español) To give written or live public comment, please see the top of page 4
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio
2025-0064 5.Informational ReportCONSIDER: A. APPROVING $1,500,000 in additional programming within the capacity of Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs for improvements at the intersection of Aviation Blvd at Artesia Blvd in the City of Redondo Beach within the South Bay Subregion as shown in Attachment A; and B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for the Board-approved projects.   Not available Not available
2024-1093 6.ProjectCONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or designee, to execute and enter into a joint development agreement (JDA), ground lease, and other related documents with Expo Crenshaw Apartments, LP (Developer), for the construction and operation of a mixed-use affordable housing project (Project) on 1.77 acres of Metro-owned property located at the southeast corner of W. Exposition Blvd. and Crenshaw Blvd. (Metro Site), adjacent to the K Line Expo/Crenshaw Station in the City of Los Angeles (Attachment A - Site Map) in accordance with the Summary of Key Terms and Conditions (Attachment B) and upon receipt of concurrence by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA); and B. FINDING the Project complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for using a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) as authorized pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155.2(b), which is consistent with the Environmental Studies and Reports set forth in Attachment C, making the CEQA findings set forth further below (CEQA Findings) and author   Not available Not available
2024-1141 7.ProjectAUTHORIZE: A. the reallocation of $25.74 million of Proposition C discretionary funds from the Access Services (Access) budget to fulfill unprogrammed STP-L funding program balances and; B. the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to execute STP-L balance fulfillment agreements with local agencies, allowing them to receive their unprogrammed STP-L balances using available non-federal Metro funds.   Not available Not available
2025-0040 8.Informational ReportAUTHORIZE the CEO or their designee to submit to SCAG the Project Prioritization Framework Metro will use to evaluate and rank projects for Los Angeles County as part of the 2025 SCAG CMAQ/STBG Call for Projects.   Not available Not available
2025-0044 9.ProjectCONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the Vermont Transit Corridor environmental study findings as per Senate Bill 922 Statutory Exemption requirements; B. APPROVING the proposed Vermont Transit Corridor Project, a new 12.4-mile at-grade, side-running bus rapid transit (BRT) line with 26 stations at 13 intersection locations (Attachment A), as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA); C. APPROVING the finding that the Project is statutorily exempt from CEQA under Section 21080.25(b); and D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to file a CEQA Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the Project with the Los Angeles County Clerk and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.   Not available Not available
2025-0052 10.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS125381000 to Capitol Government Contract Specialists for Major Capital Project grantwriting services to support Board priorities, in an amount Not-to-Exceed (NTE) $6,332,734 for a two-year base period, with one, two-year option in the amount of $6,287,602, for a total NTE amount of $12,620,336, effective April 7, 2025, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any.   Not available Not available
2025-0196  Informational ReportRECEIVE General Public Comment   Not available Not available