Meeting date/time:
10:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012,
3rd Floor, Metro Board Room Watch online:
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5647249# (English) or 7292892# (Español)
To give written or live public comment, please see the top of page 4
| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE remarks by the Chair. | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE report by the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 13. | Motion / Motion Response | RECEIVE AND FILE the Construction Workforce Disparity Study report and response to Board Motion 29 (Attachment A). | | |
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| 13.1 | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Horvath, Hahn, Dutra, Solis and Yaroslavsky that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. expand the Cultural Competency Plan requirement to integrate Community Benefits and Workforce Equity components into RFP procurements, and identify mechanisms to embed workforce commitments, such as childcare accessibility, reliable transportation, supportive work environments and an inclusive workplace culture, ensuring alignment with Metro’s broader workforce initiatives;
B. establish a regional roundtable with the Program Management Office (PMO), general contractors’ associations, contractors, the Los Angeles Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), LA/OCBCTC, union trades, and other key stakeholders to develop a strategic action plan. Discussion should include, but not be limited to consistent goal setting for regional public contracting agencies, the provision and/or subsidization of childcare services similar to that of “TradesFutures” childcare pilots in Milwaukee and New York City, and “Care That Works” in Boston, and apprentice/journeyman ratios on const | | |
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| 28. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE quarterly status report on the Community Advisory Council (CAC). | | |
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| 30. | Informational Report | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING the March 2025 Federal and State Legislative Report; and
B. ADOPTING Staff Recommended Position:
· AB 1237 (McKinnor). County of Los Angeles: sporting events: ticket charge: public transit. - SUPPORT-WORK WITH AUTHOR/SPONSOR (Attachment A). | | |
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| 2. | Minutes | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held February 27, 2025. | | |
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| 5. | Informational Report | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING $1,500,000 in additional programming within the capacity of Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs for improvements at the intersection of Aviation Blvd at Artesia Blvd in the City of Redondo Beach within the South Bay Subregion as shown in Attachment A; and
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for the Board-approved projects. | | |
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| 6. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or designee, to execute and enter into a joint development agreement (JDA), ground lease, and other related documents with Expo Crenshaw Apartments, LP (Developer), for the construction and operation of a mixed-use affordable housing project (Project) on 1.77 acres of Metro-owned property located at the southeast corner of W. Exposition Blvd. and Crenshaw Blvd. (Metro Site), adjacent to the K Line Expo/Crenshaw Station in the City of Los Angeles (Attachment A - Site Map) in accordance with the Summary of Key Terms and Conditions (Attachment B) and upon receipt of concurrence by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA); and
B. FINDING the Project complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for using a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) as authorized pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155.2(b), which is consistent with the Environmental Studies and Reports set forth in Attachment C, making the CEQA findings set forth further below (CEQA Findings) and author | | |
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| 8. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE the CEO or their designee to submit to SCAG the Project Prioritization Framework Metro will use to evaluate and rank projects for Los Angeles County as part of the 2025 SCAG CMAQ/STBG Call for Projects. | | |
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| 9. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING the Vermont Transit Corridor environmental study findings as per Senate Bill 922 Statutory Exemption requirements;
B. APPROVING the proposed Vermont Transit Corridor Project, a new 12.4-mile at-grade, side-running bus rapid transit (BRT) line with 26 stations at 13 intersection locations (Attachment A), as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA);
C. APPROVING the finding that the Project is statutorily exempt from CEQA under Section 21080.25(b); and
D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to file a CEQA Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the Project with the Los Angeles County Clerk and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. | | |
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| 10. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS125381000 to Capitol Government Contract Specialists for Major Capital Project grantwriting services to support Board priorities, in an amount Not-to-Exceed (NTE) $6,332,734 for a two-year base period, with one, two-year option in the amount of $6,287,602, for a total NTE amount of $12,620,336, effective April 7, 2025, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 11. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE an increase to the Life of Project budget in the amount of $13,000,000 from $143,688,310 to $156,688,310 for the Metro Center Project to fully resolve all claims and complete the close-out of the Project. | | |
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| 12. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. FINDING that authorization of the use of alternative delivery methods, including Progressive Design Build Operate Maintain (PDBOM), pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242 (b), will achieve integration of design, project works, and operations and maintenance of charging equipment in an efficient manner for ZEB Charging Infrastructure Projects at Divisions 18 & 7; and
B. APPROVING a competitive solicitation of a PDBOM contract to achieve the proposed design approach, specific project features and functions, and other project criteria in addition to price, pursuant to Public Utilities Code 130242 (e).
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| 14. | Policy | CONSIDER:
A. ADOPTING the Investment Policy in Attachment A;
B. APPROVING the Financial Institutions Resolution authorizing financial institutions to honor signatures of LACMTA’s Officials in Attachment B; and
C. DELEGATING to the Treasurer or their designees, the authority to invest funds for a one-year period, pursuant to California Government Code (“Code”) Section 53607. | | |
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| 15. | Contract | AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 2 to Contract No. PS87947000 with Exemplifi, LLC in the amount of $400,000 increasing the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) contract value from $550,000 to $950,000, and extend the period of performance from August 31, 2025 to June 30, 2026 to continue providing essential digital maintenance and development support for and standalone websites (The Source, El Pasajero, and | | |
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| 20. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to amend Contract No. OP44570-2000B with Skyler Electric Company, Inc., in the amount of $1,403,491 for Task Order No. 9, to provide Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Batteries for Metro B and D Lines, increasing the cumulative Not-to-Exceed (NTE) contract amount from $3,468,400 to $4,871,891. | | |
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| 21. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a 30-month, firm-fixed-price Contract No. PS125493000 to JMDiaz, Inc., for the design, development, and implementation of a cloud-based Transit Signal Priority (TSP) system on portions of the NextGen Tier One network in the County of Los Angeles in the amount of $2,443,389, subject to the resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 22. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP48505(2)0008370 to CDS Services, Inc. DBA Legion Pest Management, for pest and bird control services throughout Metro’s bus and rail facilities, rail cars, and non-revenue vehicles, in the Not-To-Exceed (NTE) amount of $2,887,332 for the three-year base period and $1,925,728 for the two-year option, for a combined NTE amount of $4,813,060, effective May 5, 2025; subject to the resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 23. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a five-year, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract No. PS125302000, for furniture, space planning, and installation services, to M3 Office, Inc., for a Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of $3,475,000.00 for the three-year base period and $1,075,000.00 for each of the two, one-year options, for a combined total of $5,625,000.00 effective April 1, 2025, subject to the resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 24. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to:
A. EXECUTE Modification No. 18 to Contract No. PS272680011357 with Bicycle Transit Systems, Inc. (BTS) in the amount of $8,357,384 to continue Metro Bike Share (MBS) program services increasing the total contract value from $116,292,084 to $124,649,468 and extend the period of performance by a total of 7 months from April 30, 2025 through November 30, 2025, inclusive of a base period of four months and three, one-month options; and
B. EXECUTE individual contract modifications within the Board approved contract modification authority. | | |
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| 29. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Yaroslavsky, Bass, Dupont-Walker, Sandoval and Mitchell that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. Create a pilot station activation program to help Metro reimagine and determine how to elevate the experience of our transit riders and the surrounding communities, using tools like farmers markets, cultural programming, vending, and community events and report back in 3 months on the progress. The plan should also identify a rapid deployment that can support Purple Line Extension Section 1 station openings;
B. Open TAP Card art contest for the new stations, time permitting;
C. Explore TAP ticket integration art entertainment venues and cultural centers near stations, such as, but not limited to, the El Rey Theater, Pomona Fairplex, LACMA, and the Petersen Museum, building off of the successful Hollywood Bowl pilot; and
D. Report back on the progress of the actions above on a quarterly basis to the Operations, Safety, and Customer Experience Committee, including progress on the Visionary Seed Fund station activation program at Leimert Park Station, | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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