| 2. | Minutes | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held September 24, 2015. | | |
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| 16. | Contract | FINANCE, BUDGET AND AUDIT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 5 to Contract No. PS30203139 with Axiom xCell, Inc. (Axiom) to provide additional application functionality for the Fare Inspectors’ phones, which includes new features to improve security and application capabilities for an additional cost of $354,000, and extend the monthly support services for an additional two years to November 29, 2017, in an amount of $260,000. This modification would increase the total contract value by $614,000, from $447,975 to $1,061,975. | | |
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| 23. | Contract | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute a 21-month firm fixed price Contract No. PS3604300 (RFP No. PS113344540-R) to Inland Transportation Services, Inc. (ITS) in the amount of $1,198,055 for Metro Rideshare Program Support services in Los Angeles County and to increase the FY 2016 budget for Regional Rideshare by $425,000. | | |
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| 24. | Program | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) authorizing Parking Management staff to pilot a public parking program at the Westlake/MacArthur Park Station Joint Development Project for twelve months. | | |
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| 25. | Program | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. APPROVE programming $50.111 million in supplemental funding for the I-5 Carmenita Road Interchange project, consistent with the attached Unified Cost Management Process and Policy for Measure R Projects analysis in Attachment A, and an increase in project funding from $369.770 million to $419.881 million; and
B. ENTER into a Local Advance Construction (AC) agreement (Attachment B) with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the use of up to $97 million in local funds to finance the construction of the I-5 South Segment 2 project until such time that federal funds already programmed to the project become available. | | |
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A. ADOPTING Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG’s) Draft Regional Program for Los Angeles County ATP applicants as shown in Attachment A.
B. APPROVING the designation of ten points to reflect the consistency of the projects listed in Attachment A with regional and local plans. | | |
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| 27. | Policy | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) approving programming of up to $6.521 million from fiscal year (FY) 2015 Federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) funds that are available for the eligible operating project, as shown in Attachment A. | | |
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| 28. | Program | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (4-0) approving the Resolution in Attachment A which:
A. AUTHORIZES the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee to claim up to $28 million in FY 2015-16 the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) funds from California’s Cap-and-Trade Program’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, including $24 million in funding appropriated to Metro and up to $4 million in funding appropriations to any other Los Angeles County eligible recipients which may opt not to claim their appropriation;
B. IDENTIFIES the projects for which LCTOP funds are to be claimed; and
C. AUTHORIZES the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee, as an eligible fund recipient, to execute all required documents of the LCTOP and any amendments thereto with the California Department of Transportation and to execute the attached Authorized Agent form (Attachment B) and the attached Certification and Assurances document (Attachment C). | | |
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A. APPROVING the guidelines for Round 2 of the ExpressLanes Net Toll Revenue Allocations (Attachment A); and
B. ADOPTING a timely use of funds provision to be applied to projects funded as part of the 2014 (Round 1) Net Toll Revenue Reinvestment Grant Program.
DUPONT-WALKER AMENDMENT: include the proposal release period being 3 months versus 2 months and return in January with information on including non-profits. | | |
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| 33. | Contract | AD-HOC CONGESTION REDUCTION RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. FSP3469400B3/FSP3471100B43 (IFB No. FSP11857) to Disco Auto Sales, Inc., dba Hollywood Car Carrier, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for Metro Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) towing services in the amount of $3,830,652 (Beat 3 for $1,915,326 and Beat 43 for $1,915,326) for 39 months.
B. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. FSP3469500B5/FSP3470200B17 (IFB No. FSP11857) to Sonic Towing, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for Metro FSP towing services in the amount of $3,590,266 (Beat 5 for $1,808,057 and Beat 17 for $1,782,209) for 39 months.
C. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. FSP3469600B6 (IFB No. FSP11857) to Neighborhood Towing 4U, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for Metro FSP Beat 6 towing services in the amount of $1,760,238 for 39 months.
D. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. FSP3469900B7/FSP3470100B11 (IFB No. FSP11857) to Girard & Peterson, Inc., the lowest responsi | | |
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| 40. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute the list of Change Orders by Caltrans in Segment 2 construction contract of the I-5 North Capacity Enhancements from SR-134 to SR-118 under the Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0008355/8501 A/A5, in the amount of $2,969,831 without an increase in the project budget or contract value. The contract value of this project remains $119,688,319 | | |
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| 41. | Contract | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) modifying Funding Agreements for Expo and Foothill Construction Authorities to allow for an increase in authorized betterment funding amounts of $600,000 for Expo Phase 2 and $900,000 for Foothill Extension Phase 2A. This increase will be used for ADA improvements and for additional Metro Betterments that are enhancements to the requirements of the 2010 Metro Design Criteria used at the time of bid for these two projects. | | |
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| 44. | Motion / Motion Response | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving MOTION by Dupont-Walker, Kuehl and Fasana that the Board instructs the CEO to:
A. Provide an annual report on the state of MTA’s public artworks.
B. Beginning with the Fiscal Year 2017 budget, dedicate a reasonable amount of funds towards maintenance and/or restoration of MTA public artworks.
C. Include conservation and/or restoration of existing MTA public artworks in all future line, station, and facility refurbishment projects.
D. Budget additional funds as needed for maintenance of new MTA public artworks, such as artwork on the Expo Line Phase 2 and Gold Line Foothill Extension.
E. Create a regular maintenance plan for each MTA public artwork.
F. Develop an action plan to restore MTA public artworks that are not functioning as intended, including consideration of using remaining Blue Line Upgrades Project funding for the restoration of artwork altered by the Blue Line Upgrades Project.
G. Report back on all the above during the February 2016 MTA Board cycle. | | |
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| 49. | Appointment | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving nominee for membership on Metro’s San Fernando Valley Service Council:
Vahid Khorsand, San Fernando Valley Service Council, New Appointment
Nominated by: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
Term Ending: June 30, 2018 | | |
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| 50. | Policy | SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving the 2016 Transit Service Policy. | | |
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| 57. | Budget | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (6-0) amending the FY16 Budget to add $2,750,000 to the Communications Department budget to fund the first phase of Metro’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Education Program. | | |
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| 59. | Motion / Motion Response | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving Motion by Director Najarian that $150,000 in Measure R 3% be transferred to the City of Glendale to be used for quiet zone implementation through the three crossings; and,
FURTHER MOVE that the CEO work with the City of Glendale to execute the necessary agreements as expeditiously as possible. | | |
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A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award and execute a 37-month Firm Fixed Price Contract No. AE354280011791, to RNL Interplan, Inc. in the amount of $3,835,439 for a base contract to develop advanced conceptual engineering design documents (60% design development drawings) for the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station Improvements Project (Project) and one of two optional tasks to advance the design to the construction document stage through either i) a Design/Build project delivery method in an amount not to exceed $800,000; or ii) a Design/Bid/Build project delivery method in an amount not to exceed $1,920,629 for a total not to exceed amount of $5,756,068;
B. AFFIRMING the Board’s previous commitment to provide $16 million in local match funding in line with the funding requirements of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Act (TIGER) VI Discretionary Grant program;
C. APPROVING a Preliminary Project Funding Plan which includes additional funding | | |
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A. APPROVING proposed 180 day new pilot bus service to operate from the Metro Gold Line in Pasadena to the North Hollywood Red/Orange Line Stations; and
B. REVISING the FY16 budget $784,000 to fund the FY16 portion of this 180 day pilot program. | | |
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| 64. | Policy | EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (6-0) adopting an expansion of existing Board Policy to allow for the donation of Metro surplus buses to non-profit organizations for purposes that are not transit related. | | |
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| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | Report by the Chair. | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | Report by the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 14. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE:
A) staff response to Board Motion 6.1 (Attachment A) related to Commuter Rail Funding in Los Angeles County adopted at the June 2015 Board meeting.
B) status of $18 million loan to Metrolink for rolling stock approved in FY11 | | |
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| 14.1 | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER Motion by Directors Solis, Antonovich, Najarian and Krekorian that the MTA Board direct the CEO and the Regional Rail unit of the Program Management Department to work with the Southern California Regional Railroad Authority (Metrolink) to evaluate the following:
A. The feasibility and operational impact of installing an Advanced Locomotive Emission Control System at Metrolink's Central Maintenance Facility;
B. The capital costs and potential funding sources including Measure R 3%; and
C. The process by which to include and prioritize this project in the short-range (5-year) Regional Rail Capital Program
FURTHER MOVE that MTA’s Regional Rail Team includes ALECS in all design alternatives of the Environmental Impact Report for the Southern California Regional Interconnector Project at Union Station.
ALSO MOVE that staff report back within 60 days with a status update on all progress made on the items listed above. | | |
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| 14.2 | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER Motion by Directors Solis, Antonovich, Najarian and Krekorian that the MTA Board direct the CEO and the Regional Rail unit of the Program Management Department work with the City of El Monte and the Southern California Regional Railroad Authority (Metrolink) to evaluate the following:
A. The feasibility and operational impacts for relocating the El Monte Metrolink Station from the current location to the Metro Transit Center in El Monte;
B. The capital costs and potential funding sources including Measure R 3%;
C. The process by which to include and prioritize this project in the short-range (5-year) Regional Rail Capital Program; and
D. The alignment of this project with Metro’s Transit Oriented Community program.
FURTHER MOVE that staff report back within 60 days with a status update on all progress made on the items listed above. | | |
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| 15. | Policy | FINANCE, BUDGET AND AUDIT COMMITTEE FORWARDED DUE TO ABSENCES AND CONFLICTS authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to renew existing group insurance policies covering Non-Contract, AFSCME, and Expo employees for the one-year period beginning January 1, 2016 and to approve the use of a flexible spending card administered by a third-party vendor. | | |
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| 22. | Contract | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. EXECUTE Contract Modification No. 16 to Contract No. PS4340-1939 with AECOM (formerly URS Corporation) to address changes to the project alternatives for the Recirculated Draft EIR/EIS, and evaluate a Preferred Alternative for the I-710 South Corridor Project, in an amount not to exceed $7,012,735, increasing the total contract not-to-exceed amount from $38,781,395 to $45,794,130 and a contract extension of 15 months;
B. EXECUTE Contract Modification No. 10 to Contract No. PS4340-1940 with Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc., for the continued facilitation of community outreach services through the evaluation of the Preferred Alternative, in an amount of $616,413, increasing the total contract amount from $3,192,312 to $3,808,725, and a contract extension of 15 months;
C. EXECUTE Contract Modification No. 8 to Contract No. PS4710-2647 with AECOM (I-710 South Utility Study - South Segment), for the utilities and structural engineering efforts associated with the revised project al | | |
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| 22.1 | Motion / Motion Response | PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (3-0) approving the MOTION by Director Solis that the Board of Directors make approval of Item 22 contingent on studying the following as a part of the evaluation of Alternatives 5C and 7 in the I-710 Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement:
A. Geometric design for the I-710 Freight Corridor (under Alternative 7 only) that eliminates significant impacts and displacements of homes, businesses, or community resources, such as but not limited to the Bell Shelter or Senior Centers, and the implications of such a design on commuter and freight traffic demands; where significant impacts are unavoidable, provide documentation of the rationale and constraints;
B. An option, under Alternative 7 only, to evaluate the feasibility should technology be available, to operate only zero-emissions trucks along the Freight Corridor as part of the project;
C. Implementing high frequency Express Bus Transit service along the main 710 corridor and the impact of such a line on commuter and freight tra | | |
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| 30. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE:
A. The draft Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Potential Ballot Measure Framework in Attachment A and draft Assumptions in Attachment B;
B. Stakeholder Input in Attachment C, Attachment D, and Attachment E, as described below; and,
C. The Roadmap to a Potential Ballot Measure in Attachment F. | | |
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| 38. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE quarterly status report on the Airport Metro Connector (AMC) 96th Street transit station in response to the June 2014 Board motion (Attachment A). | | |
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| 51. | Project | ADOPT the Life-Of-Project (LOP) budget for Project 212121, Metro Emergency Security Operations Center (ESOC) in the amount of $112,700,000. | | |
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| 52. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING Life-Of-Project budget for the capital project, Reduced Risk of an Event to Union Station Gateway Complex in the amount of $6,985,096; and
B. AMENDING System Security and Law Enforcement FY16 budget in the amount of $6,885,096. | | |
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A. APPROVING expansion of the SCRIP to include the Los Angeles Union Station Master plan passenger concourse and accommodate a high speed rail system in Union Station;
B. PROGRAMMING $15,000,000 in FY 16 Measure R 3% funds for the SCRIP environmental and preliminary engineering scope of work; and
C. ACCOMMODATING high speed rail in Los Angeles Union Station as part of the implementation of the Los Angeles Union Station Master Plan.
GARCETTI AMENDMENT: approve subject to High Speed Rail written financial commitment on the Master Cooperative Agreement. | | |
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| 62. | Budget | CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED DUE TO ABSENCES AND CONFLICTS the approval of the attached agreement referred to as “Contract Modification”, including partial close-out of the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project (“Project”), in the amount of $103M and modifications to the schedule of the Arbitration Agreement. This recommendation is an interim increase to the Life-of-Project (LOP) budget by $103M, increasing the LOP budget from $1,205.4M to $1,308.4M and amend the FY16 budget by $103M. | | |
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| 65. | Resolution | A. ADOPTING a resolution:
1. authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds by negotiated sale to refund the 2004 General Revenue Refunding Bonds (the “2004 GRRBs”) in one or more transactions through June 30, 2016, consistent with the Debt Policy;
2. approving the forms of the supplemental trust agreement, preliminary official statement and such other documents as required and all as subject to modification as set forth in the Resolution;
3. authorizing taking all action necessary to achieve the foregoing, including, without limitation, the further development and execution of bond documentation associated with the issuance of the 2015 General Revenue Refunding Bonds (the “2015 GRRBs”), and approves related documents on file with the Board Secretary; and
4. prohibiting the subsequent issuance of General Revenue Bonds or Parity Debt under the General Revenue Trust Agreement except for refunding bonds.
B. APPOINTING the underwriter team selected for the 2015 GRRBs transaction(s) as shown in Attachment B.
C. ESTABLISHING an underwriter pool, as shown in Attachment B, th | | |
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| 66. | Policy | ADOPT the following Title VI and Environmental Justice Equity Findings:
A. Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension to Azusa and related bus service changes which have no Disparate Impact to minority populations and the Disproportionate Burden analysis as identified in Attachment A; and
B. Metro Expo Line Extension to Santa Monica and related bus service changes which have no Disparate Impact to minority populations and the Disproportionate Burden analysis as identified in Attachment B. | | |
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