Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/23/2016 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012, 3rd Floor, Metro Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: 2016-06-23 RBM Minutes 2016-06-23 RBM Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio
2016-0488 2.MinutesAPPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held May 26, 2016.   Not available Not available
2016-0412 11.ProgramAPPROVE program criteria for Urban Greening Demonstration projects.   Not available Not available
2016-0318 14.ResolutionADOPT: A. Findings and Recommendations (Attachment A) for allocating fiscal year (FY) 2016-17 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 8 funds estimated at $25,188,543 as follows: 1. In the City of Avalon there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet, therefore TDA Article 8 funds (Attachment B) in the amount of $150,107 may be used for street and road projects, or transit projects, as described in Attachment A; 2. In the Cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, transit needs are met using other funding sources, such as Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return. Therefore, TDA Article 8 funds in the amount of $6,285,096 and $6,137,530 (Lancaster and Palmdale, respectively) may be used for street and road purposes and/or transit, as long as their transit needs continue to be met; 3. In the City of Santa Clarita, transit needs are met with other funding sources, such as Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return. Therefore, TDA Article 8 funds in the amount of $8,335,265 for the City of Santa Clarita may be used for street and road and/or transit, as long   Not available Not available
2016-0454 15.Formula Allocation / Local ReturnCONSIDER: A. APPROVING $1.8 billion in FY2017 Transit Fund Allocations for Los Angeles County jurisdictions, transit operators and Metro operations as shown in Attachment A. These allocations comply with federal and state regulations and LACMTA Board policies and guidelines. 1. Planning and Administrative allocations of Transportation Development Act (TDA), Proposition A, Proposition C and Measure R in the amount of $73.4 million as shown in Attachment A, page 2 Line 37. 2. Bus Transit Subsidies of State and Local funds in the amount of $934.9 million as shown in Attachment A, page 3. 3. Allocation of Federal Formula Grants in the amount of $349.1 million as shown in Attachment A, pages 12-13. 4. Proposition A Incentive Programs in the amount of $15.3 million as shown in Attachment A, pages 19-21. 5. Proposition A Local Return, Proposition C Local Return, Measure R Local Return, TDA Article 3 (Pedestrian and Bikeways) and TDA Article 8 (Streets and Highways) for $496.4 million as shown in Attachment A, pages 22-24. B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to   Not available Not available
2016-0254 16.Formula Allocation / Local ReturnAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements between Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) and the Cities for their Capital Reserve Accounts as approved; and: A. ESTABLISH Measure R Local Return funded Capital Reserve Account for the City of Beverly Hills, as described in Attachment A; B. ESTABLISH Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return funded Capital Reserve Account for the City of Burbank, as described in Attachment A; C. APPROVE three year extension of Proposition C Local Return Capital Reserve Account for the Cities of Beverly Hills, El Monte, Lynwood and Manhattan Beach, as described in Attachment A.   Not available Not available
2016-0406 17.ProgramAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and award excess liability insurance policies with up to $300 million in limits at a cost not to exceed $4.25 million for the 12-month period effective August 1, 2016 to August 1, 2017.   Not available Not available
2016-0433 18.ProgramCONSIDER: A. APPROVING the Southern California Regional Rail Authority’s (SCRRA) FY 2016-17 (FY17) Annual Work Program pursuant to their April 29, 2016, budget transmittal (Attachment A). B. APPROVING the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (LACMTA) share of SCRRA FY17 Metrolink funding totaling $88,825,701 for programs detailed in Table 1. C. EXTENDING the lapsing dates for funds previously allocated to SCRRA for the Rehabilitation and Renovation Program as follows: FY 2010-11 from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2017 - $1,774,223 FY 2011-12 from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2017 - $2,830,282 FY 2012-13 from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2017 - $5,024,401 D. APPROVING the FY17 Transfers to Other Operators payment rate of $1.10 per boarding to LACMTA and an EZ Pass reimbursement cap to LACMTA of $5,592,000. E. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements between LACMTA and the SCRRA for the approved funding. F. RECEIVING AND FILING update to March 24, 2016 Board Motion 40.1 on Equitable Governance   Not available Not available
2016-0449 19.ProgramAPPROVE local funding request for Access Services (Access) in an amount not to exceed $84,124,902 for FY17. This amount includes: A. $74M in Operating and Capital funds from Proposition C 40% Discretionary (PC 40%); B. $8M in Operating and Capital unspent carry-over PC 40% funds from FY16; and C. $2.1M in funds paid directly to Metrolink for its participation in Access’ Free Fare Program from Proposition C 10% Commuter Rail (PC 10%)   Not available Not available
2016-0320 21.ProgramCONSIDER: A. APPROVING the updated project list and changes in the funding levels for the Measure R Highway Subregional Program (MRHSP) in Arroyo Verdugo, Las Virgenes Malibu, South Bay, North County, and Gateway Cities Subregions as shown in Attachment A. B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects.   Not available Not available
2016-0444 22.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to: A. EXECUTE Modification No. 1 to Task Order No. PS3420000 under Contract No. PS4010-3041-F-XX, with Cambridge Systematics, Inc. for the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Development to conduct several additional travel demand model runs and technical analysis associated with the Potential Ballot Measure and LRTP update, in the amount of $497,209 increasing the total Task Order value from $968,947.45 to $1,466,156.45; B. INCREASE Contract Modification Authority (CMA) specific to Task Order No. PS3420000, LRTP Development, in the amount of $100,000, increasing the total authorized CMA amount from $100,000 to $200,000 to support potential need to forecast the regional economic impact of LRTP and additional modeling, if necessary, for the LRTP update; and C. APPROVE amendment to FY17 Budget for Cost Center 4220 of $497,209 to fund Modification No. 1 to Task Order No. PS3420000, LRTP Development.   Not available Not available
2016-0489 23.Informational ReportCONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING report on approach to incorporating First/Last Mile elements into the Purple Line Extension Section 2. B. APPROVING Motion 14.2 by Directors Butts, DuBois, Knabe and Solis to amend Motion 14.1 under subsection B-6 to specify that, henceforth, Metro would negotiate in a standardized MOU with the respective contributing jurisdiction(s) that up to 100% of a local jurisdiction’s 3% local contribution can go towards underwriting Active Transportation Program (ATP), First/Last Mile, bike and pedestrian and street safety projects that contribute to the accessibility and success of the stations in the respective jurisdictions, inclusive of the framework provided in Attachment C. C. DIRECTING staff to commence with the development of guidelines to implement the potential use of local jurisdictions’ 3% capital contribution to underwrite ATP and First/Last Mile investments within the framework included as Attachment C.   Not available Not available
2015-1716 24.ContractCONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to issue a Modification to Contract No. C0988 with Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors (WSCC), to begin construction on accommodations so as not to preclude a future Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station at 96th Street, Airport Metro Connector (AMC), in an amount not to exceed $7,400,000 increasing the total contract value from $1,294,476,149.38 to $1,301,876,149.38; and B. APPROVING an increase in Contract Modification Authority (CMA) for Contract No. C0988 in the amount of $7,400,000 increasing the total CMA from $134,699,993 to $142,099,993.   Not available Not available
2016-0230 25.ContractCONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING the CEO to execute a Contract Modification to Contract No. C0988 with Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors (WSCC), to design and construct a bus transfer facility for $2,200,000, increasing the total contract price from $1,294,476,149.38 to $1,296,676,149.38 for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project; B. APPROVING an increase in Contract Modification Authority (CMA) for Contract No. C0988, in the amount of $2,200,000, increasing the total CMA from $134,699,993 to $136,899,993; C. ADOPTING a Life-of-Project (LOP) Budget of $2,200,000 for the Bus Transfer Facility; and D. AUTHORIZING the execution of this Contract Modification subject to final execution of the 3% Local Match funding agreement between Metro and the City of Inglewood.   Not available Not available
2016-0428 26.Informational ReportAPPROVE the transfer and reallocation of State Proposition 1B Intercity Rail Improvement Program (ICR1B) funds for the Van Nuys North Platform Project from Metro to the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA)   Not available Not available
2016-0434 27.ProgramCONSIDER: A. INCREASING Life of Project (LOP) budget in the amount of $6,560,142 for a total LOP of $15,000,000 for the Bob Hope Airport/Hollywood Way Metrolink Station Project (Project); B. PROGRAMMING an additional $6,560,142 of Measure R3% - Metrolink Commuter Rail funds towards this project; C. AMENDING the FY 2016-17 (FY17) budget in the amount of $4,265,492 for project 460090; and D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) agreement with the cities of Los Angeles and Burbank.   Not available Not available
2016-0185 31.ContractAWARD an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract, No. MA5246200 to Modine Manufacturing Company, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for Electric Cooling Fan Systems for an amount not-to exceed $2,758,124.00.   Not available Not available
2016-0207 32.AppointmentAPPROVE nominees for membership on Metro’s Service Councils.   Not available Not available
2016-0395 33.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 9 to Contract No. OP30002227 for Uniform Rental Services with Prudential Overall Supply for the not-to-exceed amount of $650,000, increasing the total contract not-to-exceed value from $4,515,029.28 to $5,165,029.28. This modification also extends the period of performance by nine (9) months, from July 1, 2016, through March 31, 2017. This contract provides on-going uniform rental services, vehicle seat covers, and laundry services for hand towels and floor mats.   Not available Not available
2016-0437 38.ContractCONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Contract Modification No.1 to the Labor Compliance Bench (The Bench) Contract Numbers PS-21307700 A-J, for labor compliance monitoring services, to exercise the first one-year option and extend the contract term from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2017 increasing the total authorized not-to-exceed amount by $1,578,584 from $13,478,064 to $15,056,648; B. AUTHORIZING the award of a task order with Padilla & Associates, Inc. for Contract No. PS-21307700-E to perform labor compliance monitoring services on the South Western Light-Rail Vehicle Yard Project for a fixed price of $772,575.87, increasing the total contract amount from $78,413.23 to $850,989.87; C. APPROVING Labor Compliance Monitoring Services task orders for the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project with Parsons Corporation (Task Order #1) for the fixed price amount of $1,640,930.76; for the Crenshaw/LAX Project with the Solis Group (Task Order #32) for the fixed price amount of $3,646,745; for the Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project with Perceptive    Not available Not available
2016-0310 39.AgreementAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute an amendment to the Exclusive Negotiations and Planning Agreement with A Community of Friends to extend its term for an additional 12 months, for the joint development of Metro-owned property at 1st and Lorena Street along the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension.   Not available Not available
2016-0316 40.ProgramCONSIDER: A. ADOPTING the Development Guidelines for the joint development of 1.77 acres of Metro-owned property and 1.66 acres of County-owned property at the Expo/Crenshaw Station; B. ADOPTING the Development Guidelines for the joint development of 1.44 acres of County-owned property at the Fairview Heights Station; and C. AUTHORIZING an Agreement with the County of Los Angeles for administering the Metro Joint Development process for the County-owned properties at the Expo/Crenshaw and Fairview Heights Stations.   Not available Not available
2016-0386 41.AgreementAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a six-month Short Term Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and Planning Document (Short Term ENA), with an option to extend up to three additional months, with Trammell Crow Company and Greenland USA, for the development of Metro-owned property at the North Hollywood Station (Site).   Not available Not available
2016-0421 42.ProgramCONSIDER: A. SUPPORTING the establishment of the proposed Venice Beach Business Improvement District (“BID) in the City of Los Angeles and the resulting assessments on properties within the District boundaries owned by Metro; and B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) or his delegate to sign any necessary petitions and cast any subsequent ballots in support of the BID and property assessments.   Not available Not available
2016-0419 45.ContractCONSIDER authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to: A. AWARD a five-year firm fixed price Contract No. PS527590024649 to Parking Sense USA in the amount of $3,599,934 for a Parking Guidance System; and B. APPROVE a $2,000,000 Life of Project (LOP) Budget increase for Project 210143-Parking Guidance System which increases the project budget from $3,025,000 to a revised LOP of $5,025,000.   Not available Not available
2016-0490 46.Federal Legislation / State Legislation (Position)ADOPT staff recommended positions: A. AB 1640 (Stone) - Retirement: Public Employees WORK WITH AUTHOR   Not available Not available
2016-0501 47.Motion / Motion ResponseMOTION by Kuehl, Knabe, Solis and Antonovich that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to work with Access Services to convene an annual county-wide forum to address improvements in coordination and integration of services to older adults and the disabled. The forum shall include consultant specialists in gerontology and mental health as well as local governmental and non-governmental providers of transportation and social services to older adults and the disabled. Metro shall encourage municipal operators and local jurisdictions to participate in the annual forum. Each forum should occur no later than 90 days after the release of the annual report. FURTHER MOVE that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the Metro Board in October 2016 with an action plan to better address the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The plan shall include the following elements: A. An overview of the agency-wide efforts to serve older adults and people with disabilities with a specific focus on those activities that go beyond meeti   Not available Not available
2016-0471 50.Informational ReportRECEIVE AND FILE update for Item 30: Metro Blue Line (MBL) Motion by Mayor Garcetti, Supervisor Knabe, Director Dubois, and Director Dupont-Walker.   Not available Not available
2016-0359 51.Informational ReportRECEIVE AND FILE Financial Forecasting Model Information for the Potential Ballot Measure Expenditure Plan.   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0508 3.Oral Report / PresentationReport by the Chair.   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0509 4.Oral Report / PresentationReport by the Chief Executive Officer.   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0506 5.Oral Report / PresentationELECTION of 2nd Vice Chair.   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0328 43.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to: A. NEGOTIATE and execute a 48-month, firm fixed price Contract No. AE5204200 with HDR Engineering Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $34,030,555 for Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services for the preparation of the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) on Interstate 605/State Route 60 Interchange; and B. APPROVE Contract Modification Authority specific to Contract No. AE5204200 in the amount of $5,104,583.   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0379 44.ProjectCONSIDER: A. ESTABLISHING a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) Budget of $2,410,544,879 as described in Attachment A for the Westside Purple Line Extension (WPLE) Section 2 project, consistent with direction from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA); B. AUTHORIZING up to $54.5 million in funds expected from the City of Beverly Hills as their 3% contribution to be advanced from Measure R funds from the Westside Subway Extension line item in the Measure R Expenditure Plan, in support of the FFGA requirements of the FTA; C. APPROVING the Measure R Cost Management Process and Policy analysis and funding strategy in Attachment B to use up to $191.81 million Measure R funds from the Westside Subway Extension line in the Measure R Expenditure Plan to meet the new cost and revenue assumptions in the Short Range Transportation Plan; D. DIRECTING the CEO to assume that all savings from the Exposition Light Rail Phase 2 project will be redirected to WPLE Section 2 project at such time as the Expo project is closed out and the necessary actions of the Metro Board of Director   Not available Audio Audio
2016-0319 49.ProgramCONSIDER: A. ADOPTING the Ordinance, including Expenditure Plan, to implement Los Angeles County’s Traffic Improvement Plan through a transportation sales tax measure; B. ADOPTING the Resolution requesting the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors place the Ordinance on the ballot with specific ballot language for the November 8, 2016 countywide general election; and C. AMENDING the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 budget to add $10.9 million to fund election related and public information costs.   Not available Audio Audio
2019-0351  Motion / Motion Response49.2 MOTION by Garcetti, Kuehl, Antonovich, Krekorian and Najarian that the Board direct the CEO to add a new “Multi-Year Subregional Program” in the Los Angeles County Transportation Expenditure Plan named “North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Improvements” and provide for the following: A. Designate the “North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Improvements” as a System Connectivity (“SC”) sub-regional category; B. Funds for the North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Improvement will be programmed from the System Connectivity portion of the Transit Construction subfund at $180M under the “Measure_Funding 2015$” for this program; C. A “Schedule of Funds Available” in Fiscal Year 2019 and a “Expected Opening Date” of Fiscal Year 2023; D. Designate the modal code for this program as a transit category, or “T”; E. Add a footnote to state the following; a. This project will increase system connectivity in the North San Fernando Valley and the Metro transit system. Environmental planning work shall begin no later than six months after    Not available Audio Audio
2019-0346 49.4Motion / Motion ResponseA. amend the Expenditure Plan/Ordinance and Financial Forecast Model to include the following projects and additional funding, through borrowing, if necessary: 1. $ 25 million for the Park Place Extension/Regional Grade Separation and Gap Closure Project; 2. $ 400 million for the Shoemaker Bridge and I-710 Early Action Projects; 3. $ 4 million for the Blue Line Fare Evasion Pilot Program (Long Beach); 4. $ 100 million for the Wardlow Station Blue Line Grade Separation Project; 5. $ 200 million for the Green Line Extension to San Pedro and to Long Beach (commitment to evaluating new light rail Extension from Torrance); 6. $ 600 million to accelerate the Gold Line Eastside Extension Second Alignment to groundbreaking in 2023 and completion/opening in 2033 with the First Alignment, as one project; 7. $ 500 million to accelerate the I-5 Corridor Improvements (I-605 to I-710) to groundbreaking in 2021 and completion/opening in 2025; and 8. Accelerate the completion of the West Santa Ana Branch by making it the next federally eligible project. B. removal of the 3% Local Contribution    Not available Audio Audio
2016-0511 52.Motion / Motion ResponseMOTION by Solis, Kuehl, Fasana that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the Metro Board in October 2016 with an action plan to better connect communities to parks and open space. The plan shall include the following elements: A. An overview of existing transit system connections to parks and open space and identification of opportunities to increase access to parks and open space. This assessment should draw upon, but not be limited to, data from the following agencies: 1. the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation; 2. the National Park Service; 3. U.S. Forest Service; 4. California State Parks; 5. the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; 6. the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority; and 7. Southern California Association of Governments. B. Identification of funding sources for transit to parks and open space including, but not limited to: 1. Federal Grants and Programs like the Federal Lands Access Program, the Federal Lands Transportation Program, the Transportation Alternatives Program, and the National Parks Service   Not available Audio Audio