| 42 | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE State and Federal Legislative Report. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 43 | Ordinance / Administrative Code | APPROVE amendment of Title 6, Chapter 6-05 of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“Metro”) Administrative Code (the “Code”), otherwise known as the Metro Customer Code of Conduct, as set forth in Attachment A. The amended Code will become effective February 1, 2017. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 44 | Federal Legislation / State Legislation (Position) | ADOPT staff recommended positions:
A. AB 1 (Frazier) - Transportation Funding SUPPORT WORK WITH AUTHOR
B. SB 1 (Beall) - Transportation Funding SUPPORT WORK WITH AUTHOR | | |
Not available
| 45 | Program | ADOPT the proposed 2017 Federal and State Legislative Program.
FASANA amendment in Attachment B, Goal 12. | | |
Not available
| 46 | Policy | APPROVE:
A. the renewal of the Project Labor Agreement (PLA), and Construction Careers Policy (CCP), as amended;
B. the updated PLA (Attachment A) which covers certain Metro Construction and Joint Development (JD) projects,
C. the updated CCP (Attachment B) which covers certain Metro Construction and Joint Development projects; and
D. the updated Metro JD Policy (Attachment C) to incorporate Metro’s PLA and CCP and separate the JD Policy from the JD Procedures. | | |
Not available
| 51 | Policy | ADOPT revisions to Metro’s System Advertising Policy in order to update policy and expand Metro’s current advertising opportunities and generate additional revenue - as recommended in the Risk Allocation Matrix (RAM) process approved at the January 2016 Board meeting. | | |
Not available
| 52 | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER Motion by Director Kuehl that the Board direct the CEO to:
A. Meet with environmental stakeholders and representatives of Caltrans District 7, the County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, state and federal fish and wildlife agencies, and other potentially interested parties to discuss any interest in a RAMP approach for multijurisdictional cooperation in biological mitigations, and explore the development of a conservation greenprint that identifies and helps prioritize areas of high ecological value, water resources, and wildlife movement corridors;
B. Convene a working group of environmental stakeholders and Metro/Caltrans project managers for Transit, Highway and Active Transportation projects to develop an early screening process for biological evaluation to be applied to the review of projects scheduled for planning and/or construction over the next thirty years. Screening shall not only include any likelihood of direct and indirect impacts to plant and/or animal species, habitats, biological | | |
Not available