Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/25/2021 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Online Meeting Watch online: OR Listen by phone: Dial +1 (877) 422-8614 and enter extension 3490064#
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
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2021-0144 2.MinutesAPPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held February 25, 2021.   Not available Not available
2021-0032 12.ProgramCONSIDER: A. APPROVING the programming of an additional $430,000 within the capacity of the Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) Highway Efficiency Program; B. DELEGATING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee the authority to: 1. AMEND Measure M MSP funding agreements to modify the scope of work of projects and project development phases consistent with eligibility requirements; 2. Administratively extend funding agreement lapse dates for Measure M MSP funding agreements to meet environmental, design, right-of-way and construction time frames; and C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or his designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects.   Not available Not available
2020-0866 13.ProgramCONSIDER: A. REPROGRAMMING of Measure R funds for the Alameda Corridor-East (ACE) Grade Separations Phase II Program to reflect the program schedule change; and B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee to negotiate and execute project addenda consistent with the Board-approved ACE Grade Separations Phase II Funding Program.   Not available Not available
2021-0008 15.PolicyCONSIDER adopting the recommendations to modernize the Highway Program and approving the release for public review: 1) REVISED Measure R Highway Program Criteria - Project Eligibility for Highway Operational Improvements and Ramp/Interchange Improvements, shown in Attachment A, and 2) REVISED Measure M Guidelines, Section X - Multi-Year Programs (Highway Subfunds), shown in Attachment B.   Not available Not available
2020-0595 16.PlanCONSIDER the following BRT Vision and Principles Study recommendations: 1. DIRECT staff to apply both the BRT Standards and Design Guidelines developed through the BRT Vision & Principles study to all Metro-funded BRT projects and initiate the process to refine the design guidelines further into design criteria; and 2. APPROVE the recommended five top-performing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) candidate corridors for future project?development consideration and advance the Broadway corridor as a first decade Measure M project, subject to available funding.   Not available Not available
2020-0902 17.AgreementCONSIDER: 1. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute an amendment to the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and Planning Document with WIP-A, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Watt Companies, Inc., and the County of Los Angeles to extend the term for 12 months, and provide for an additional 12-month administrative extension, which agreement is in regards to the joint development of 1.77 acres of Metro-owned property and 1.66 acres of County-owned property at the Expo/Crenshaw Station in partnership with West Angeles Community Development Corporation; and 2. ADOPTING the Expo/Crenshaw First/Last Mile Plan.   Not available Not available
2020-0897 19.ContractAUTHORIZE the CEO to award a 36-month March 2021 through March 2024, firm fixed price contract with two one (1) year extensions, on Contract Number SD66581000, to LB Foster Rail Technologies, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for HPF & LCF Lubricating Block for an amount not to exceed $1,176,592.09. Board approval of the contract award is subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest.   Not available Not available
2020-0912 20.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a five-year, firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS7235000, to FRS Environmental Inc., for parts washer leasing, and maintenance services in an amount not to exceed $1,443,375.00 effective May1, 2021.   Not available Not available
2020-0860 21.ContractAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Contract Modification No. 5 to Contract No. PS46172000, with Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems, for engineering support of rail maintenance to exercise the second-year option extending the period of performance through April 26, 2022 and increasing the total contract not-to- exceed amount by $5,000,000 from $21,000,000 to $26,000,000.   Not available Not available
2020-0055 24.ContractA. Increase the Life-of-Project (LOP) Budget for the P2550 Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Midlife Modernization/Overhaul Program (CP 214003) by $46,340,841 from $160,000,000 to $206,340,841. B. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm-fixed unit rate Contract No. P2550-2019 Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Midlife Modernization to Kinkisharyo International, L.L.C. in the not-to-exceed amount of $170,349,474 inclusive of Options, for a period of 55 months from Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) for the midlife modernization of the 50 AnsaldoBreda P2550 LRVs.   Not available Not available
2021-0051 31.ProjectA. ESTABLISH a life-of-project budget for the I-5 North County Enhancements Project in the amount of $679,400,000. B. AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute project related agreements, including contract modifications, up to the authorized Life-of-Project Budget.   Not available Not available
2020-0884 32.ProjectCONSIDER: A. FINDING that authorization of the use of alternative delivery methods, including Progressive Design/Build (PDB), will achieve integration of design, project works, and other components in an efficient manner for the Metro G Line Bus Rapid Transit Improvements Project, pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242; and B. APPROVING a competitive solicitation of a PDB contract to achieve the proposed design approach, specific project features and functions, and other project criteria in addition to price, pursuant to Public Utilities Code 130242 (e) (REQUIRES 2/3 VOTE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS)   Not available Not available
2021-0014 33.AgreementAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to negotiate and execute an amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated March 7, 2018 with the City of Los Angeles for the Taylor Yard Bridge with a not-to-exceed amount of $25,450,000, an increase of $3,750,000 over the previously authorized amount of $21,700,000.   Not available Not available
2020-0704 34.Motion / Motion ResponseAUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to: A. APPROVE moving forward with the fare capping pilot; and B. NEGOTIATE and execute project-related contract awards, including contract modifications, up to the amount needed for software development and integration to implement fare capping.   Not available Not available
2020-0736 35.ProjectCONSIDER: a. INTRODUCING a station activation and mobility hub concept at Universal City/ Studio City B Line (Red) Station; and b. AUTHORIZING staff to develop a strategic plan, including identifying necessary real estate, infrastructure and financing to support the station activation and increased mobility.   Not available Not available
2020-0846 38.Federal Legislation / State Legislation (Position)ADOPT staff recommended position: 1. Senate Bill 671 (Gonzalez) - Transportation: Clean Freight Corridor Efficiency Program - SUPPORT   Not available Not available
2020-0636 41.PlanAPPROVE Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan for submittal to California Air Resources Board (CARB).   Not available Not available
2021-0065 42.AgreementCONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute the Inglewood Transit Connector Joint Powers Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to join with the City of Inglewood to own, manage, and oversee the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the 1.6-mile Inglewood Transit Connector Project, an elevated automated people mover to provide a critically needed direct transit connection between Metro’s network, the soon to be completed regional Crenshaw/LAX Line, and key housing and employment centers, and sports and entertainment venues within the City. B. AUTHORIZING the CEO to take such further actions incident to execution of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement as are necessary to formalize formation and establishment of the Inglewood Transit Connector Joint Powers Authority as a separate legal entity.   Not available Not available
2020-0931 44.BudgetA. ESTABLISH a life-of-project budget for the Eastside Access Improvements Project (Project) in the amount of $29,703,098 consistent with the provisions of the Board-adopted Measure R and Measure M Unified Cost Management Policy (Attachment B). B. AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute project related agreements, including contract modifications, up to the authorized Life-of-Project budget.   Not available Not available
2021-0141 3.Oral Report / PresentationRECEIVE remarks by the Chair.   Not available Not available
2021-0142 4.Oral Report / PresentationRECEIVE report by the Chief Executive Officer.   Not available Not available
2020-0919 7.PolicyCONSIDER: A. APPROVING the allocation of $784,942,958 from Los Angeles County’s partial share of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307/ Section 5337 funds from the CRRSA Act to transit operators, as described in Attachment A, for operating expenses; B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee to solicit proposals and allocate $1,327,107 from Los Angeles County’s share of FTA funds from the CRRSA Act, as described in Attachment B, to Metro’s existing subrecipients of Federal Section 5310 funds for operating expenses; C. AUTHORIZING the CEO to allocate Los Angeles County’s share of FTA Section 5311 funds from the CRRSA Act (estimated to be about $1,127,870) for transit service in rural areas upon notification by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), as described in Attachment B, for operating expenses; D. APPROVING exchanges of CRRSA Act funding allocations, as appropriate, with other local or eligible State or Federal funds to accelerate grant approval and disbursement of funds by the FTA; E. AUTHORIZING the CEO or his   Not available Not available
2021-0039 8.ResolutionCONSIDER: A. ADOPTING a Resolution, Attachment A, that: 1. AUTHORIZES the competitive sale and issuance of up to $450 million in aggregate principal amount of Proposition C Senior Sales Tax Revenue Bonds in one or more series, to finance capital projects; and refinance outstanding revolving credit notes; 2. APPROVES the forms of the Notice of Intention to Sell Bonds, Notice Inviting Bids, Supplemental Trust Agreement, Continuing Disclosure Certificate, Preliminary Official Statement and such other documents as required for the issuance of the bonds, and approves related documents on file with the Board Secretary as set forth in the resolution all as subject to modification as set forth in the Resolution; and 3. AUTHORIZES taking all action necessary to achieve the foregoing, including, without limitation, the further development and execution of the bond purchase contract and bond documentation associated with the issuance of the Proposition C Senior Sales Tax Revenue Bonds (the “Bonds”). (REQUIRES SEPARATE, SIMPLE MAJORITY BOARD VOTE.)   Not available Not available
2021-0085 25.Informational ReportRECEIVE AND FILE 2020 Customer Experience Survey Results.   Not available Not available
2021-0137 26.ContractA. AMEND the combined contract value for the three multi-agency law enforcement contracts for services through December 31, 2021 by an increase of $36,000,000 from $645,675,758 to $681,675,758. The Board delegates to the CEO, or his designee, the discretion to allocate the $36M among the three law enforcement contracts, as deemed appropriate. B. ENGAGE the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) for the remaining six months of the multi-agency law enforcement contract.   Not available Not available
2021-0187  Motion / Motion ResponseWE, THEREFORE, MOVE that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to: A. Report to the Operations Committee in April 2021 on a plan to reasonably compensate members of the Public Safety Advisory Committee, including but not limited to options for stipend, reimbursement, and other forms of compensation; B. Report to the Board in June 2021 with a review of compensation for Metro's advisory committees and a policy for the reasonable compensation of their members; and C. Include in each monthly Transit Public Safety report updates on the progress and activities of the Public Safety Advisory Committee   Not available Not available
2021-0190  Motion / Motion ResponseWE, THEREFORE, MOVE that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to: A. Include in the FY22 budget at least $40 million for the following initiatives, consistent with the Equity Platform and the Customer Experience Plan: 1. Public Safety: a. $20 million for a transit ambassador program that provides staffed presence at Metro facilities and on Metro vehicles and offers riders assistance and connections to resources, modeled after the S.F. BART program. b. $1 million for elevator attendants at stations. c. $1 million for a flexible dispatch system that enables response by homeless outreach workers, mental health specialists, and/or unarmed security ambassadors in appropriate situations. d. $5 million for Call Point Security Project Blue light boxes recommended by Women and Girls Governing Council to improve security on the BRT and rail system. e. Funds to initiate a study to develop recommendations to prevent intrusion onto Metro rail rights-of-way, including but not limited to subway platform-edge doors. f. $3 million for pilot safety strategies on board bus   Not available Not available
2021-0072 40.ContractA. AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award the following two (2) Contracts, subject to resolution of protests, if any. a. Contract No. PS66773MRT to LA SkyRail Express, a special purpose corporation to be formed between John Laing Investments Limited and BYD Transit Solutions LLC, for pre-development services for a proposed Monorail technology transit solution concept (“TSC”) in an amount not to exceed $63,605,132. b. Contract No. PS66773HRT to Sepulveda Transit Corridor Partners -Bechtel, a special purpose vehicle to be formed between Bechtel Development Company, Inc., Meridiam Sepulveda, LLC and American Triple I Partners, LLC, for pre-development services for a proposed Heavy Rail technology transit solution concept (“TSC”) in an amount not to exceed $69,882,427. B. APPROVE Contract Modification Authority in the amount of 25% for each of the two contract award values, respectively, and authorize the CEO to execute individual Contract Modifications within the Board-approved Contract Modification Authority.   Not available Not available
2021-0074 43.Informational ReportRECEIVE AND FILE status report on Fareless System Initiative Update   Not available Not available
2021-0157 43.1.Motion / Motion ResponseAPPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Garcetti, Solis, Najarian, Mitchell, and Sandoval that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to: 1. Report back at the April 2021 Board Meeting on the following regarding a possible FSI: a. How Metro is including municipal operators in the planning process, including what it would cost to fully include them and how many of their riders would qualify; b. All the subsidies Metro, Municipal Operators, and Cities already offer, including LIFE and U-Pass, and how those programs play a role in and inform a fareless initiative; c. How fareless will impact the Formula Allocation Procedure (FAP), state and federal grants, and ACCESS Services; and, d. What Metro’s customer surveys tell us about fareless and other priorities. e. Potential cost savings and implications for what can be realized through a fareless program for all residents through elimination of TAP infrastructure, administration of pass and subsidy programs, etc. 2. As part of any recommendation to implement a fareless initiative, provide the following: a. Funding source details, i   Not available Not available
2021-0109 45.Informational ReportRECEIVE Oral Report on Crenshaw/LAX Project.   Not available Not available
2021-0153 46.Informational ReportA. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - G.C. 54956.9(d)(1) William Thomas v. LACMTA, Case No. 19STCV36325 B. Public Employment - G.C. 54957 Title: Board Secretary C. Public Employment - G.C. 54957 Title: Chief Executive Officer   Not available Not available
2021-0143  Informational ReportRECEIVE General Public Comment   Not available Not available