| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE remarks by the Chair. | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE report by the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 16. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn and Dutra that directs the CEO to take the following actions:
A. Recommit $50 million from Measure R I-710 South Corridor Project funds as “seed funding” for a 710 South Clean Truck Program,
B. Collaborate with the I-710 Task Force, local and regional stakeholders, cities, the Ports, the I-710 South Task Force, and the Gateway Cities COG to develop a 710 South Clean Truck Program that seeks to deploy Zero Emissions trucks in the I-710 Corridor as soon as possible,
C. Conduct aggressive Federal and State advocacy to secure funding for a 710 South Clean Truck Program, including as many as possible of the 1,000 Zero Emissions trucks included in the FY22 California State budget.
D. Report back to the Board in February 2022 and May 2022 with updates on stakeholder engagement and Program development and implementation, including areas for possible further study, consideration, and development to achieve Zero Emissions goods movement objectives along the I-710 South Corridor. | | |
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| 37. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Krekorian, Garcetti, Kuehl, Barger, Hahn, and Solis that the CEO and or her designee participate along with other appropriate staff in the City of Los Angeles’ ZE Transportation Infrastructure working group to work collaboratively to meet the following objectives;
A. Identify opportunities for collaboration on deploying shared charging infrastructure for all fleet needs (all vehicle classes, both revenue and non-revenue vehicles), while ensuring that renewable and resilience measures are included. This effort should optimize the amount of shared or multi-agency accessible zero-emission fueling infrastructure in the region.
B. Analyze any potential efficiencies in joint procurement and long-term planning.
C. Evaluate opportunities for co-locating and co-developing zero-emissions vehicle charging infrastructure with both public and private agencies.
D. Maximize capacity for EVs through deploying electric vehicle charging/fueling equipment in underutilized parking lot facilities for public and/or agency use. Each agency (where applicable) should provide a | | |
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| 41. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE the Communications plan update supporting LIFE program expansion, half-priced passes and fare resumption. | | |
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| 42. | Resolution | CONSIDER making the following findings:
Pursuant to AB 361, the Metro Board, on behalf of itself and other bodies created by the Board and subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act, including Metro's standing Board committees, advisory bodies, and councils, finds:
The Metro Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency, and that:
A. The state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person, and
B. State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing.
Therefore, all such bodies will continue to meet via teleconference subject to the requirements of AB 361. | | |
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| 2. | Minutes | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held September 23, 2021. | | |
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| 5. | Agreement | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary agreements with third parties to complete the I-605 at Valley Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project. | | |
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| 6. | Project | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the I-105 ExpressLanes project for the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) and Right-of-Way (ROW) phases in an amount not to exceed $7,260,000. | | |
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| 7. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING a ten-year Joint Development goal of completing 10,000 housing units, at least 5,000 of which will be income-restricted; and
B. RECEIVING AND FILING the response to Motion 15.1 (Dupont-Walker and Solis) (Attachment B). | | |
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| 8. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. EXECUTE firm fixed price Contract No. PS67379000 with CDM Smith for comprehensive investment grade Traffic and Revenue (T&R) modeling services to produce the I-405 (Sepulveda Pass (Phase 1) ExpressLanes Investment Grade Traffic and Revenue (T&R) Study, for a three-year performance period, effective on November 20, 2021, in the amount of $1,455,718 subject to the resolution of properly submitted protest(s), if any; and
B. EXECUTE firm fixed price Contract No. PS67450000 with CDM Smith for comprehensive investment grade Traffic and Revenue (T&R) modeling services to produce the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Investment Grade Traffic & Revenue (T&R) Study, for a two-year performance period, effective on November 20, 2021, in the amount of $1,363,452 subject to the resolution of properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 9. | Policy | APPROVE the:
A. State Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Grant Assistance Priorities in Attachment A; and
B. Regional ATP Point Assignment Method as described in Attachment B. | | |
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| 10. | Informational Report | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING Addendum No.1 to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR); and
B. ADOPTING a Revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) (Attachment A). | | |
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| 12. | Agreement | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to execute a 65-month (5 years, 5 months) lease amendment commencing March 1, 2022 with Downtown Properties, LLC (“Lessor”), for the Office of the Inspector General (“OIG”) located at 818 West 7th Street in Los Angeles at a rate of $38,736 per month with 3% annual escalations for a total of $2,486,730 over the 65-month term. | | |
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| 13. | Agreement | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or their designee, to execute a five (5) year First Lease Amendment commencing October 1, 2021 with the State of California, (“Lessor”) for the Division 2 Employee Parking Lot (“Location 403”) located at 17th Street and Griffith Avenue in Los Angeles at a rate of $13,447.00 per month with annual increases of three percent (3%) for a total of $858,192.00 over the five (5) year term. | | |
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| 14. | Informational Report | APPROVE the Resolution in Attachment A to:
A. AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or designee to claim $30,484,780 in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 State of Good Repair Program (SGR) grant funds as the Regional Entity for Los Angeles County for this program;
B. APPROVE the regional SGR Project List for FY2021-22; and
C. CERTIFY that Metro will comply with all conditions and requirements set forth in the SGR Certification and Assurances document and applicable statutes, regulations and guidelines. | | |
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| 15. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 4 to Contract Nos. PS36627000 through PS36627004, PS36627006, PS36627008, PS36627009, PS36627011 through PS36627018 to exercise the second, one-year option, extending the contract term from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022; and increasing the total authorized not-to-exceed amount by $2,288,000 from $9,152,000 to $11,440,000; and
B. AWARDING AND EXECUTING task orders for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $11,440,000. | | |
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| 19. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a single source, 24-month, firm fixed price Contract No. PS76506000 to Dematic Corporation, for a total amount of $3,396,686, inclusive of sales tax subject to resolution of protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 20. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a two-year, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract No. MA75908000 for reflective safety vests with Safety Vibe Inc. The Contract one-year base amount is $577,649 inclusive of sales tax, and the one-year option amount is $595,869 , inclusive of sales tax, for a total contract amount of $1,173,518, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s). | | |
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| 24. | Contract | AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Amendment No. 4 to the Letter of Agreement for Multidisciplinary Street-Based Engagement Services (Contract No. MO136727000-32385), to include extending the homeless shelter bed program (Home At Last (HAL)) through June 30 January 31, 2022, for outreach team enhancements and capabilities consistent with Board Motion 26.2 (File #:2021-0190), in an amount not-to-exceed $3,708,000 $1,250,000, increasing the total cost from $26,200,000, to $29,908,000 $27,450,000, inclusive of administrative fees and other pilot initiatives. | | |
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| 28. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. FINDING that authorization of the use of alternative delivery methods, including Progressive Design-Build (PDB), will achieve integration of design, project works, and other components in an efficient manner the East San Fernando Valley (ESFV) Light Rail Transit Project (Project) pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242; and
B. APPROVING a competitive solicitation of a PDB contract to achieve the proposed design approach, specific project features and functions, and other project criteria in addition to price, pursuant to Public Utilities Code 130242 (e).
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| 29. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. FINDING that authorization of the use of Public/Private Partnership (P3) will achieve the design, build, finance, and participation in oversight of Operation and Maintenance of solar photovoltaic (PV) power (commonly known as solar panels) generation system at the Maintenance and Storage Facility for the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project (ESFV) pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242; and
B. APPROVING a competitive solicitation of a P3 contract to achieve the proposed design, specific features and functions, and other qualifications in addition to price, pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 130242. | | |
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| 30. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD AND EXECUTE a three-year cost plus fixed fee contract, Contract No. AE76301MC081 with Zephyr Rail, to provide Construction Management Support Services for Capital Projects, in an amount not-to-exceed $3,519,211.94 for the three-year base period, plus two (2) one-year options if deemed appropriate, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s); and
B. EXECUTE individual Task Orders within the Board approved not-to-exceed amount. | | |
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| 31. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Dupont-Walker, Butts, Mitchell, Dutra, and Kuehl that directs the CEO to:
A. Survey local preference best practices nationally and make recommendations for local preference criteria;
B. Evaluate and recommend changes to Metro policies regarding advancing local preference in small, medium, and disadvantaged business contracting;
C. Review State and Federal laws and regulations and make recommendations for inclusion in future Federal and State Legislative Priorities; and,
D. Report back on these requests in February 2022. | | |
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| 35. | Policy | APPROVE:
A. The results of the Fare Equity analysis for changing free fares to 5 years and under.
B. Changing the fare policy to raise the maximum age of free fare from under age 5 to under age 6. | | |
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| 36. | Policy | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING the Tickets or Passes Distribution Policy in Attachment A; and
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Ethics Officer to amend the policy consistent with any changes in state law or Metro priorities. | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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