| 29. | Contract | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modifications to Contract No. PS137313000 with Merriwether and Williams Insurance Services, Inc. to continue to provide Small Business Bonding Assistance Program services and Contractor Finance Assistance Program (CFAP) administration in the amount of $450,000, increasing the total contract price from $2,197,870 to $2,647,870, and extend the period of performance from June 1, 2022, through November 30, 2022;
This Contract Modification also includes an as-needed option to extend the contract period of performance up to an additional six (6) months or through May 31, 2023, and increase the total contract price up to an additional $450,000, for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $3,097,870.
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to approve budget for the Contractor Finance Assistance Program (CFAP) loan fee which provides financial relief for certified small businesses performing on a Metro contract for an amount not to exceed $300,000; and
C. ADOPTING a resolution, Attachment A, authorizing the Chief Execut | | |
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| 30. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 6 to the Business Interruption Fund (BIF) Administration Services Contract No. PS56079000 with Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Development Corporation (PCR) to exercise the second, one-year option in the amount of $650,306, increasing the total contract value from $2,754,855 to $3,405,161, to continue to serve as the fund administrator for Metro’s Pilot BIF and extending the period of performance from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. | | |
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| 39. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE oral report on the Major Project Status by the Chief Program Management Officer. | | |
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| 32. | Informational Report | CONSIDER:
A. INCREASING the life-of-project budget for the Rail-to-Rail Active Transportation Project (Project) in the amount of $27,295,000, from $115,989,173 to $143,284,173;
B. REVISING the project funding plan to accept $27,295,000 in funding contributions by the City of Los Angeles;
C. DELEGATING authority to the Chief Executive Officer to accept up to $15 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds from the County of Los Angeles and program them to the Rail to Rail project; and
D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Project related agreements, including contract modifications, up to the authorized Life-of-Project Budget. | | |
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| 33. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Funding Agreement with the City of Los Angeles for the 7th Street Streetscape Improvements project in the negotiated amount of $3,500,000. | | |
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| 37. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE status report on Program Management Quarterly Change Report. | | |
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| 36. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE status report on FY23 Program Management Annual Program Evaluation. | | |
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| 35. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Garcetti, Butts, and Dutra that the Board direct the CEO to update the Measure M Guidelines and First-Last Mile Guidelines in accordance with the following:
A. Revise the Measure M Guidelines 3% Contribution calculation to be consistent with the Measure M ordinance;
B. In cases where Metro withholds 15 years of Measure M Local Return, clarify that Metro will allow withheld funds to satisfy the 3% contribution via an agreement with the jurisdiction, that jurisdictions may spend withheld funds on First-Last Mile investments, and that those expenses shall be eligible to credit toward a jurisdiction’s 15-year total Measure M Local Return obligation in accordance with established Metro procedures, such as the First-Last Mile Guidelines and Measure M Guidelines;
C. Confirm that the cost of First-Last Mile improvements delivered by local jurisdictions shall not be included in the “total project cost” from which Metro calculates the 3% Contribution;
D. Consistent with precedent from the Purple Line Extension, confirm that jurisdictions along segments of | | |
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| 31. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute Contract No. AE77613000 with WSP USA, Inc. to prepare Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for the I-105 Segments 2 and 3 in the amount of $39,935,928, subject to resolution of protests, if any. | | |
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| 38. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE Office of the Inspector General Change Order Construction Spot Check Report for the period December 1, 2021, to February 28, 2022. | | |
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| 34. | Project | INCREASE the Life of Project (LOP) Budget on the Track and Tunnel Intrusion Project by $1,948,680, from $8,873,092 to $10,821,772. | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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