| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE remarks by the Chair. | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE report by the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 5. | Oral Report / Presentation | ELECTION of Board Officers. | | |
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| 21. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE the In-House Public Safety Department Feasibility Study (Attachment A). | | |
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| 21.1. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Najarian, Sandoval, Butts, Barger, and Bass that the Board direct the CEO to prepare a comprehensive implementation plan for Board consideration to bring public safety in-house and present the plan to the Board in January 2024. The implementation plan should reflect Metro’s commitment to building a new culture of public safety centered on a robust multi-layered approach.
A. The comprehensive implementation plan for Board consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the bulleted list of next steps set forth in the Board File #: 2023-0286.
B. Report back at the November 2023 Board meeting with a progress report.
WE THEREFORE MOVE that the Metro Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to include in the in-house public safety department implementation plan, discussion of:
A. The anticipated performance-level of the “standard” and “enhanced” deployment models presented in the previously referenced feasibility study, in terms of system-wide coverage and the provision of a visible security and/or customer service p | | |
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| 22. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute Amendment Number 8 to the Letter of Agreement for Multidisciplinary Street-based Engagement Services with the County Department of Health Services (DHS) increasing the amount by $63,934,200 from $28,920,000 to a new a total amount of $92,854,200 for the continuation of homeless program services from September 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027 (Attachment A). | | |
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| 24. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Director Najarian that the Metro Board direct Metro’s Chief Ethics Officer and CEO to work together to incorporate any proposed changes to the 2024 State Legislative Agenda to address any issues with state legal authorities that may impact Metro activities. | | |
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| 28. | Budget | AMENDING the Life-of-Project (LOP) budget by $53,000,000 for the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3 Project (Project) of $3,223,623,256 to $3,276,623,256 using the fund sources as summarized in Attachment A, consistent with the provisions of the Board-adopted Measure R and Measure M Unified Cost Management Policy. | | |
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| 29. | Informational Report | APPROVE nominees for membership on Metro’s Gateway Cities, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, South Bay Cities and Westside Central Service Councils. | | |
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| 19. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING programming the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (“Metro”) share of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority’s (SCRRA) FY 2023-24 Operating, Rehabilitation, and Capital Budget in the amount of $199,400,319 as described in Attachment A;
B. APPROVING programming of $29,290,000 to SCRRA for a Working Capital Long-Term Loan, contingent upon SCRRA Board approval of a loan repayment policy addressing terms and conditions;
C. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 1 to the Regional Rail Planning and Environmental On-Call Services bench Contract Nos. AE56752000 through AE56752005 to increase the not-to-exceed cumulative contract amount by $15,000,000 from $10,000,000 to $25,000,000 in support of various Board and CEO directed Metrolink station and planning feasibility studies, and 2028 Olympics planning efforts;
D. APPROVING the programming of $500,000 to SCRRA for FY 2023-24 supplemental Right-Of-Way (ROW) maintenance along Metro-owned property;
E. EXTENDING the lapsing dates for funds previo | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE the In-House Public Safety Department Feasibility Study (Attachment A). | | |
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| 40. | Budget | AUTHORIZE The Chief Executive Officer to:
A. NEGOTIATE, AWARD AND EXECUTE a cost reimbursable fixed fee Contract No. AE83177E0130, to Lockwood, Andrews, & Newman, Inc (LAN), for preconstruction services and construction management support services on the Link US Project, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s);
B. AUTHORIZE a contract funding amount not-to-exceed $16,250,000 through January 2027 to support preconstruction services with an anticipated Annual Work Plan not to exceed $3,500,000; and
C. NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE contract modifications within the Board approved contract funding amount. | | |
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| 39. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING the ExpressLanes Pay-As-You-Go Pilot evaluation methodology and findings;
B. AUTHORIZING the Pay-As-You-Go Program permanent, eliminate the $25 penalty for notice of toll evasion, and adjust the Program’s “processing fee” (which replaces the former penalty amount) from $4 to $8 to align processing costs and fees;
C. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to conduct an annual audit to confirm the fee amount and make downward or upward adjustments to the fee as appropriate to keep costs and fees aligned, consistent with the Fee Adjustment Policy (Attachment D); and
D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to make the necessary changes to the ExpressLanes Toll Ordinance, as required. | | |
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| 38. | Informational Report | RECEIVE AND FILE Public Safety Report. | | |
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| 2. | Minutes | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held May 25, 2023. | | |
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| 8. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING $25,788,000 in additional programming and funding changes within the capacity of Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs (see Attachment A for updated project list):
· Arroyo Verdugo Operational Improvements
· Las Virgenes Malibu Operational Improvements
· South Bay I-405, I-110, I-105 & SR-91 Improvements
· Gateway Cities I-605 Corridor “Hot-Spots” Interchange Improvements
· Gateway Cities I-710 South Early Action
· North Los Angeles County SR-138 Safety Enhancements
· North Los Angeles County I-5/SR-14 Safety Enhancements
B. APPROVING the deobligation of $21,504,000 of previously approved Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program funds for re-allocation to other existing Board-approved Measure R projects as shown in Attachment A; and
C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for the Board-approved projects. | | |
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| 9. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING the recommended Section 5310 awards totaling $13,891,798 as shown in Attachments A, B and C, available to Metro through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program;
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to negotiate and execute pass-through funding agreements with the subrecipient agencies receiving awards;
C. DELEGATING to the CEO or their designee the authority to administratively approve minor changes to the scope of previously approved Section 5310 funding awards;
D. CERTIFYING that the Section 5310 funds are fairly and equitably allocated to eligible subrecipients and, where feasible, projects are coordinated with transportation services assisted by other federal departments and agencies; and
E. CERTIFYING that the Section 5310 funding is included in the locally developed 2021-2024 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Los Angeles County (“Coordinated Plan”) that was developed and approved through a proc | | |
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| 10. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING programming of $746,646 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Active Transportation, First/Last Mile and Mobility Hubs Program, as shown in Attachment A;
B. REPROGRAMMING of projects previously approved to meet environmental, design, right-of-way, and construction time frames, as shown in Attachment A; and
C. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects. | | |
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| 12. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to program up to $3 million of the Board authorized $50 million seed funding programmed for the LB-ELA Corridor ZET Program as Metro’s contribution to leverage federal and regional funds contingent upon the demonstration of full project funding; and
B. RECEIVING AND FILING the report on updates for the Long Beach-East Los Angeles (LB-ELA) Corridor Zero Emission Truck (ZET) Program. | | |
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| 13. | Motion / Motion Response | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING a report back on Motion 10.1 (Attachment A); and
B. AUTHORIZING for public review and comment the release of the revised Measure M Guidelines, Section VIII - 3% Local Contribution to Major Transit Projects (Attachment B). | | |
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| 14. | Program | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and purchase Public Entity excess liability policies with up to $300 million in limits at a not-to-exceed premium of $27 million for the 12-month period effective August 1, 2023, to August 1, 2024. | | |
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| 15. | Resolution | ADOPT:
A. Findings and Recommendations (Attachment A) for allocating fiscal year (FY) 2023-24 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 8 funds estimated at $48,985,266 as follows:
1. In the City of Avalon, there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet, therefore TDA Article 8 funds (Attachment B) in the amount of $233,896 may be used for street and road projects, or transit projects, as described in Attachment A;
2. In the Cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet; in the Cities of Lancaster and Palmdale and the unincorporated portions of North County transit needs can be met by using other existing funding sources. Therefore, the TDA Article 8 funds in the amount of $12,071,326 and $11,536,136 (Lancaster and Palmdale, respectively) may be used for street and road projects, or transit projects, as long as their transit needs continue to be met;
3. In the City of Santa Clarita, there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet; in the City of Santa Clarita and the unincorporated portions of the San | | |
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| 16. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements between Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) and the Cities for their Capital Reserve Account as approved; and
B. ESTABLISHING new Local Return funded Capital Reserve Accounts for the Cities of Cudahy (Measure R), Glendora (Proposition C), Lawndale (Proposition A), Lomita (Proposition C), Montebello (Proposition C), South El Monte (Proposition C, Measure R, and Measure M), South Pasadena (Proposition A, Proposition C, and Measure M), Temple City (Proposition C), and amend the existing account for the City of Hidden Hills (Proposition C) (Attachment A). | | |
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| 17. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 173 to Contract No. OP02461010 with Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. (“Cubic”), so that the TAP Vending Machines can accept payment from credit and debit cards with chips to remain payment card industry (PCI) compliant. This includes upgrades of computer hardware, the Oracle Database, and a Cubic Payment Application (CPA) in the amount of $12,364,519, increasing the total contract value from $389,251,345 to $401,615,864. | | |
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| 18. | Budget | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING local funding request for Access Services (Access) in an amount not to exceed $151,016,402 for FY24. This amount includes:
· Local funds for operating and capital expenses in the amount of $148,482,499;
· Local funds paid directly to Metrolink for its participation in Access’ Free Fare Program in the amount of $2,533,903; and
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements to implement the above funding programs. | | |
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| 36. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS93158000 to Universal Protection Service LP dba Allied Universal Security Services to provide infrastructure protection services in the North Region of Los Angeles County in an amount not-to-exceed $111,266,844 for the five-year base term, effective July 1, 2023 to allow for a three-month mobilization period, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.
B. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS93158001 to Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc., to provide infrastructure protection services in the South Region of Los Angeles County in an amount not-to-exceed $85,972,439 for the five-year base term, effective July 1, 2023, to allow for a three-month mobilization period, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 37. | Informational Report | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to implement a new recommended Option 2 (C2 Alternative) for the C and K Line Operating Plan based on public outreach and technical background informing the recommendation on Motion 28.1 - Crenshaw/LAX - Green Line Operating Plan.. (Attachment A) | | |
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| | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Director Dutra that the Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to implement a new recommended Option 2 (C2 Alternative) for the C and K Line Operating Plan, on the condition that 1) there will be no more than a scheduled 3-minute transfer at the AMC Station from the Norwalk Station to the Expo/Crenshaw Station at all times of day for passengers transferring between trains in each direction and 2) Metro will evaluate rider travel patterns, including transfers and changes in boardings by station, 24-months after the opening of the AMC Station 3) return the authority for rail operations plans to the CEO and 4) report back to the Board on the data and decision support criteria Metro will use to determine rail operations plans moving forward. | | |
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| 20. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING $3.3 billion in FY 2023-24 (FY24) Transit Fund Allocations for Los Angeles County jurisdictions, transit operators, and Metro operations, as shown in Attachment A. These allocations comply with federal, state, and local regulations and Metro Board approved policies and guidelines;
B. APPROVING an adjustment to Tier 2 Operator funding for the Cities of Burbank, Glendale, Los Angeles, and Pasadena from a capped amount of $6 million to $8.2 million for FY24 that will be adjusted annually by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in subsequent years;
C. APPROVING fund exchanges in the estimated amount of $4,471,049 of Metro’s Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 4 allocation with Municipal Operators’ shares of the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program. Funding will be adjusted based on LCTOP actual allocations;
D. APPROVING fund exchanges in the estimated amount of $984,952 of Metro’s Proposition (Prop) C 40% allocation with Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita, Burbank, and Glendale’s shares of the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program. Funding will be adjusted base | | |
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| 30. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award a four-year, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract No. FY98248000 to AAA Oil, Inc. DBA California Fuels and Lubricants, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and renewable diesel fuel. The contract three-year base amount is $2,492,594.68, inclusive of sales tax, and the one-year option amount is $825,768.17, inclusive of sales tax, for a total contract amount of $3,318,362.85, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 31. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP911660008370, for Region 1 to Urban Graffiti Enterprises Inc., to provide trash and overgrown vegetation removal services in the not-to-exceed (NTE) amount of $2,653,488 for the three-year base, and $1,556,296 for the one, two-year option, for a total combined NTE amount of $4,209,784, effective August 1, 2023, subject to resolution of timely protest(s), if any;
B. AWARD a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP911660018370, for Regions 2 and 3 to Parkwood Landscape Maintenance, Inc., to provide trash and overgrown vegetation removal services in the NTE amount of $32,708,116 for the three-year base, and $21,762,707 for the one, two-year option, for a combined not-to-exceed amount of $54,470,823, effective August 1, 2023, subject to resolution of timely protest(s), if any; and
C. EXECUTE individual contract modifications within the Board approved contract modification authority. | | |
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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