JULY 16, 2015
RECEIVE AND FILE status report on the Project Labor Agreement and Construction Careers Policy programs on the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor and Regional Connector Transit Corridor projects for activity through the May 2015 reporting period.
In January 2012, the Board approved the Project Labor Agreement with the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council and the Construction Careers Policy. One Benefit of the PLA is to encourage construction employment and training opportunities in economically disadvantaged geographic areas throughout the United States. Another benefit of the PLA is that work stoppages are prohibited.
Consistent with the Board approved PLA/CCP, prime contractors are required to provide monthly reports detailing progress towards meeting the targeted worker hiring goals. Additionally, consistent with Metro’s Labor Compliance policy and federal Executive Order 11246, the prime contractors provide Metro with worker utilization data by ethnicity and gender.
The attached report provides the current status on the two mega projects listed above which are subject to the PLA/CCP.
Project Name |
Prime Contractor |
Targeted Worker Goal (40%) |
Apprentice Worker Goal (20%) |
Disadvantaged Worker Goal (10%) |
Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor |
Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors |
59.02% |
18.07% |
10.84% |
Regional Connector Transit Corridor |
Regional Connector Constructors, JV |
61.99% |
16.30% |
11.42% |
(FINAL) Crenshaw/LAX Advance Utility Relocation |
MetroBuilders |
61.41% |
13.84% |
21.08% |
(FINAL) Regional Connector Transit Corridor Advanced Utilities Relocation |
Pulice Construction |
51.61% |
21.37% |
22.83% |
Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project
Prime: Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors
Major construction for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor project is underway. The contractor is currently attaining Targeted Worker, Apprentice Worker and Disadvantaged Worker percentages of 59.02%, 18.07% and 10.84% respectively. The attainment for the 20% Apprentice Worker goal is based on total apprentice-able hours. The contractor is currently exceeding the Targeted Worker, Disadvantaged Worker and the minority participation percentage goals, but not meeting the 20% Apprentice Worker goal and the 6.90% Female Participation goal (2.64%). The contractor has submitted a plan and schedule indicating that the apprentice goal for this project should be achieved in January of 2017. Staff will continue to work closely with the contractor towards meeting all worker goals for this project. To date, 22.15% of the estimated construction work hours for this project have been performed. No work stoppages have occurred on this contract.
Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project
Prime: Regional Connector Constructors, Joint Venture
The Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project contractor is currently attaining Targeted Worker, Apprentice Worker and Disadvantaged Worker percentages of 61.99%, 16.30% and 11.42% respectively. The attainment for the 20% Apprentice Worker goal is based on total apprentice-able hours. The contractor is currently exceeding the Targeted Worker, Disadvantaged Worker and the minority participation percentage goals, but not meeting the 20% Apprentice Worker goal and the 6.90% Female Participation goal (4.29%). This project is still in the design-phase with limited construction activities and attainment is in line with the contractor’s submitted Employment Hiring Plan which states that the Apprentice Worker goal will be met in mid-2016. To date, 0.47% of the estimated construction work hours for this project have been performed. No work stoppages or grievances have occurred on this contract.
Completed Contracts:
Crenshaw/LAX Advanced Utility Relocations
Prime: MetroBuilders
The Crenshaw Advanced Utility Relocation project contractor attained Targeted Worker, Apprentice Worker and Disadvantaged Worker percentages of 61.41%, 13.84% and 21.08% respectively. The attainment for the 20% Apprentice worker goal is based on total apprentice-able hours. The Crenshaw Advanced Utility Relocation project is 100% complete, as of September 2014. Final reporting shows that the Targeted Worker, Disadvantaged Worker and the minority participation percentage goals were attained with the exception of the Apprentice Worker and the 6.90% Female Participation goal (0.52%). Metro staff met with the contractor in January 2015, and executed a special assessment for not meeting the apprentice goal for this project. The contractor complied with Metro’s special assessment and this issue is closed.
Regional Connector Advanced Utilities Relocation Project
Prime: Pulice Constrution
The Regional Connector Transit Corridor Advanced Utilities Relocation project contractor attained Targeted Worker, Apprentice Worker and Disadvantaged Worker percentages of 51.61%, 21.37% and 22.83%, respectively. This contract was terminated for convenience in April 2015 and is now being closed out. Final reporting shows that the Targeted Worker, Apprentice Worker, Disadvantaged Worker and the minority participation percentage goals were attained with the exception of the 6.90% Female Participation goal (2.57%).
In effort to attain the highest percentages of Targeted, Apprentice and Disadvantaged Workers on PLA/CCP projects, and to keep the community informed of the opportunities, the contractors and DEOD participates and/or coordinated the following outreach efforts during this reporting period:
A. Updated Metro’s Federal Legislative Programs to request more stringent rules and local enforcement capabilities regarding employment of women and under-represented minorities in construction.
B. Metro has organized a committee to develop strategies and opportunities for women in the contraction industry. Tentative committee membership includes: Women in Non-Traditional Employment Roles (WINTER), Women Business Owner (NAWBO), National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), Prime Constructors, Job Coordinator and others.
C. County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas’ Spring Into Summer Event, held on April 15, 2015.
D. Goodwill Southern California Job Fair held on April 22, 2015.
E. State Building & Construction Trades Council of California 5th National Conference, Women Building the Nation help on May 1-3, 2015 (Panelist, Sponsor and Exhibitor)
F. East Los Angeles College Job Fair held on May 7, 2015.
G. 1st Annual Veterans & Disadvantaged Worker Resource Fair at L.A. Trade Tech College on May 13, 2015.
H. Construction Careers Awareness Day in partnership with LAUSD and Los Angeles Trade Tech College (LATTC) help on May 14, 2015.
I. County Supervisor Hilda Solis Job Fair help on May 28, 2015.
J. Daily/Weekly/bi-weekly meetings with outreach team, contractor, elected and/or community representatives.
K. Presentation at the Los Angeles County Jail on Metro’s PLA/CCP workforce initiatives held on June 2, 2015.
L. Coffee and Careers outreach event at Inglewood City Hall, May 28th
Staff will continue to monitor the contractor’s efforts to increase the participation of apprentices and targeted workers on the Crenshaw/LAX construction and Regional Connector Transit Corridor projects.
Attachment A - Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor project PLA/CCP Report, Data Through May 2015 reporting period.
Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project PLA/CCP Report, Data Through May 2015 reporting period.
Regional Connector Advance Utilities Relocation project Final PLA/CCP Report.
Prepared by: Miguel Cabral, Interim Deputy Executive Officer, Strategic Business,
Project Labor Agreement & Construction Careers, (213) 922-2232
Keith Compton, Interim Director, Project Labor Agreement/Construction
Careers Policy, Compliance & Administration, (213) 922-2406
Miriam Long, Manager, Strategic Business & Construction Career Resources, (213) 922-7249
Reviewed by: Ivan Page, Interim Executive Director, Vendor/Contract Management,
(213) 922-6383