File #: 2020-0562   
Type: Program Status: Passed
File created: 8/13/2020 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 1/28/2021 Final action: 1/28/2021
Title: CONSIDER: A. APPROVING?project selection and?programming of?$63,100,000?in Measure M?Metro Active Transport, Transit and First/Last Mile program (MAT Program) funding;? B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee to negotiate and execute all?necessary agreements for approved projects; and C. APPROVING a wait?list?process?for all non-awarded eligible projects.?
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: Active Transportation Program, Active Transportation Strategic Plan, Agreements, Budgeting, First/Last Mile, Grant Aid, Metro Active Transport (MAT) project, Metro Center Street Project, Metro Equity Platform, Plan, Policy Advisory Council, Program, Project, Safety, Strategic planning
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - MAT Program Cycle 1 - Recommended Program of Projects, 2. Attachment B - MAT Program Cycle 1 - Recommended Program of Projects Map, 3. Presentation
Related files: 2021-0022



JANUARY 20, 2021 
















A.                     APPROVING project selection and programming of $63,100,000 in Measure M Metro Active Transport, Transit and First/Last Mile program (MAT Program) funding;  


B.                     AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects; and


C.                     APPROVING a waitlist process for all non-awarded eligible projects.  





The MAT Program is included in the Measure M Expenditure Plan and allocates $857 million (2015 dollars) for investment in active transportation infrastructure over 40 years. On January 23, 2020, the Board of Directors approved the first funding cycle for this program and authorized a project selection process. 


Staff has solicited, received, and evaluated project submittals and is recommending projects for award.  The first funding cycle includes Fiscal Years  (FY) 2021-2025.  Staff recommends a total of 16 project awards as described in this report, with the remaining eligible submittals (8 projects) recommended to be established on a waiting list.  


The solicitation as approved by the Board anticipated awarding a total of $75 million for this funding cycle based on cash flow estimates at that time.  In light of reduced sales tax revenue, staff is recommending awards of $63.1 million, consistent with cash flow adjustments for comparable Measure M programs.  The Board can approve revised Cycle 1 programming amounts in future annual updates should funding availability improve.





Project Selection  

The MAT Program as approved in January 2020 called for a streamlined Letter of Interest submittal available to a predetermined list of project locations in two program categories.  Program categories, Active Transportation Corridors (ATC) and First/Last Mile (FLM), are based on Metro’s vision for active transportation investment established in the adopted Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP, April 2016).  A total of 163 (25 ATC and 138 FLM) project locations across 51 jurisdictions were eligible to apply.  

Twenty-eight Letters of Interest (LOI) were submitted on April 30, 2020, noting time extensions granted in light of local agency limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Metro assembled an evaluation team composed of 14 agency staff from multiple departments and two representatives from the Policy Advisory Council.  Each LOI was scored by three independent evaluators assigned at random.  The evaluators’ average score was combined with a predetermined need-based quantitative analysis score to arrive at a total.  Funding recommendations are based on the order of total score and limited by the amount of available funds (Attachment A).  Sixteen LOIs comprise the recommended award lists and 8 LOIs exceed available funding and comprise the waitlist. As part of the evaluation process, LOIs were screened to ensure eligibility requirements were met. As a result of this screening, three ATC applications and one FLM application were found not to meet various eligibility requirements.  Agencies proposing these projects have been notified. 


MAT submittals did not require prior planning effort, as is typical in other competitive funding programs.  As such, most projects will require an initial scoping phase to arrive at reliable funding amounts for the full project.  The programming table included as Attachment A reflects the best not-to-exceed estimates and are subject to further refinement. Staff intend to return to the Board annually to seek approval on program funding amendments as project scopes are developed and refined and to allow for other adjustments in programming.  Pending approval, staff will program funds for each fiscal year as shown in Attachment A.


The LOIs are listed in rank order in Attachment A with the highest-scoring proposals constituting the award list. The remainder of proposals are recommended as a waitlist of potential projects eligible for award contingent on future fund availability. This may include funds made available from awarded projects becoming de-obligated or funded at lower amounts.  Should funding become available, projects on the waitlist will be programmed according to rank order except in instances where there is not sufficient funding to accommodate the highest-ranked project, but a smaller, lower-ranked project can be awarded. Pending approval, staff will assume this process for programming funds to waitlisted projects accordingly.  


Project Roles  

The MAT Program allows flexibility for projects to be treated as direct grants, for Metro to retain awarded funds and lead work, or combinations of Metro-led and local-led work depending on project phase.  As such, the funding table indicates a project be led either for specified phases or over the entirety of the project.  Note that Cycle 1, as adopted in January, calls for projects led by Metro to be programmed with Metro as the recipient.  For projects led by Metro, staff will prepare and execute Cooperative Agreements with project sponsors while projects led locally will require Funding Agreements.  


Project roles as shown in Attachment A are preliminary and subject to change. Any change in project roles from what is shown will require written concurrence from all project partners.  


Equity Platform  


The MAT Program of projects will support implementation of the Equity Platform pillars.  

                     Define and Measure - Eligible projects were invited to apply for the MAT program based on a screening and ranking process intended to target high need locations based on indexes of socio-economic and environmental disadvantage. Projects within Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) were assigned additional points as part of the evaluation process. 

                     Listen and Learn -The MAT program was developed with substantial guidance from the Policy Advisory Council (PAC). The overarching goal of MAT is to implement the ATSP which was based on an inclusive outreach process. Furthermore, project selection was based on the level of community support for the projects. MAT projects will be required to prepare a Public Participation Plan to ensure meaningful stakeholder engagement throughout all phases of project development. 

                     Focus and Deliver - The proposed program of projects will be subject to timely use of funds to ensure efficient use of Measure M funds for affordable and sustainable transportation, and were evaluated for process assurances and reasonableness of schedule.

                     Train and Grow - MAT projects are required to perform a project evaluation which will include equity considerations alongside other program objectives. Further, staff is conducting evaluation of the need-based program setup and resultant project selection. This evaluation is pilot testing tools and approaches being developed by the Executive Officer, Equity and Race and will be used to guide the development of future program cycles





There is no direct safety impact associated with the recommended action.  Note that the implementation of projects subsequent to this action is intended to improve safety conditions for pedestrians, people using bicycles and other rolling modes, and transit riders.  Subsequent action related to specific projects will prompt further assessment of any potential safety impacts. 





In FY21, $4,237,500 is budgeted in Cost Center 0441, Project #473001 (Metro Active Transportation Program) for reimbursement payments to MAT Projects being implemented by local jurisdictions. Additionally, $1,128,414 is budgeted in Cost Center 4360 and $100,000 in Center 4340 for the initial project phases of MAT projects that will be completed by Metro staff. Since these are multi-year projects, the Cost Center managers, and Chief Planning Officer will be responsible for budgeting in future years.   


Impact to Budget 


The source of funds for these projects is Measure M Active Transportation 2%. This fund source is not eligible for Metro bus and rail operating and capital expenditures.  





The program advances several Strategic Plan Goals including: 


                     Goal #1: High-quality mobility options - advances new active transportation corridors and a full suite of first/last mile interventions at selected stations. 

                     Goal #2: Outstanding trip experiences for all - will develop and advance key station access improvements including traveler/transfer information, improved signage and wayfinding among others. 

                     Goal #3: Enhancing communities and lives - includes a clear focus on targeting investment to places that need it most due to safety, socio-economic and other factors. 

                     Goal #4: Transform LA County through collaboration and leadership - prompts new partnership models with agencies to deliver projects. 





The Board could elect not to approve selected projects and the programming of funds; however, this is not recommended as the MAT Program is a funding commitment in the Measure M Expenditure Plan. Without approval and programming of funds for elected projects under the MAT Program, advancement of key corridors and connections to transit that have been prioritized as part of the ATSP would be impeded. This is not recommended as the proposed projects were selected according to Board-adopted criteria.  





Upon Board approval, respective implementing agencies will be notified, and Funding and/or Cooperative Agreements will be executed. Staff will continue to work with the selected projects as described in this report. Annual updates will be provided to the Board. 





Attachment A - MAT Program Cycle 1 - Recommended Program of Projects 

Attachment B - MAT Program Cycle 1 - Recommended Program of Projects Map



Prepared by: Jacob Lieb, Sr. Director, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-4132  

Carolyn Mamaradlo, Manager, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-5529  

Cory Zelmer, DEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-1079  

Nick Saponara, EO, Countywide Planning and Development, (213) 922-4313  

David Mieger, SEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-3040  

Holly Rockwell, SEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-5585  



Reviewed by: James de la Loza, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-2920