MAY 19, 2021
A. REPROGRAMMING of projects in the following Programs:
1. Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Bus System Improvement Program, as shown in Attachment A;
2. Measure M MSP - Active Transportation Program, as shown in Attachment B;
3. Measure M MSP - First/Last Mile and Complete Streets, as shown in Attachment C;
B. DELEGATING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee the authority to:
1. Amend Measure M MSP funding agreements to modify the scope of work of projects and project development phases consistent with eligibility requirements;
2. Administratively extend funding agreement lapse dates for Measure M MSP funding agreements to meet environmental, design, right-of-way and construction time frames; and
C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects.
Measure M MSPs are included in the Measure M Expenditure Plan. All MSP funds are limited to capital projects. The annual update allows the San Gabriel Subregion and implementing agencies to revise scope of work and schedule. The Subregion will consider adding eligible projects in future updates.
This update includes changes to projects which have received Board approval in 2019. Funds are programmed through Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. The Board’s approval is required to update the project lists (Attachments A, B, and C) which serve as the basis for Metro to enter into agreements and/or amendments with the respective implementing agencies.
In May 2019, the Metro Board of Directors approved San Gabriel Subregion’s first MSP Five-Year Plan and programmed funds in: 1) Active Transportation Program (expenditure line 54); and 2) Bus System Improvement Program (expenditure line 58); 3) First/Last Mile and Complete Streets (expenditure line 59); and 4) Highway Efficiency Program (expenditure line 82).
Metro staff continued working closely with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and the implementing agencies on project eligibility reviews of the proposed scope of work change and schedule changes in projects for this annual update. Metro required, during staff review, a detailed project scope of work to confirm eligibility and establish the program nexus, i.e. project location and limits, length, elements, phase(s), total expenses and funding request, and schedule, etc. This level of detail will ensure timeliness of the execution of the project Funding Agreements once the Metro Board approves the projects. For those proposed projects that will have programming of funds in FY 2022-23 and beyond, Metro accepted high level (but focused and relevant) project scope of work during the review process. Metro staff will work on the details with the SGVCOG and the implementing agencies through a future annual update process. Those projects will receive conditional approval as part of this approval process. However, final approval of funds for those projects shall be contingent upon the implementing agency demonstrating the eligibility of each project as required in the Measure M Master Guidelines.
The changes in this annual update include reprogramming of 11 previously approved projects, and scope of work change in one existing project.
Bus System Improvement Program (expenditure line 58)
This update includes funding adjustments to two existing projects as follows:
Foothill Transit
• Reprogram $286,316 as follows: $60,383 in FY 21 and $225,933 in FY 22 for MM4702.01 - Colorado Boulevard Corridor Signal Priority Upgrade Project. The funds will be used to complete the Plans Specification and Estimates (PS&E), equipment purchase/lease and construction phases of the project.
• Reprogram $211,158 as follows: $82,352 in FY 23 and $128,806 in FY 24 for MM4702.02 - Amar Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E, equipment purchase/lease and construction phases of the project.
Active Transportation Program (expenditure line 54)
This update includes funding adjustment to three existing projects and scope of work changes to one existing project as follows:
• Reprogram $1,492,500 as follows: $50,000 in FY 21, $380,000 in FY 22, $720,000 in FY 23 and $342,500 in FY 24 for MM4701.04 - City of Industry East-West Bikeway Project. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
• Scope of work change for MM4701.06 - Monrovia Active Community Travel Vinculum. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
• Reprogram $388,050 as follows: $35,000 in FY 22, $211,830 in FY 23 and $141,220 in FY24 for MM4701.08 - Mission Drive: Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
Temple City and Los Angeles County
• Reprogram $1,990,000 as follows: $1,436,800 in FY 22 and $553,200 in FY 23 for MM4701.09 - Eaton Canyon Wash Bike Trail. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E, right-of-way and construction phases of the project.
First/Last Mile and Complete Streets (expenditure line 59)
This update includes funding adjustment to six existing projects as follows:
• Reprogram $1,741,250 as follows: $45,000 in FY 21, $575,000 in FY 22 and $1,211,250 in FY23 for MM4703.01 - Arcadia Gold Line Station Pedestrian Access Corridors. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
Diamond Bar
• Reprogram $2,985,000 as follows: $2,985,000 in FY 24 for MM4703.05 - Diamond Bar Blvd. Complete Streets Project. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
• Reprogram $1,620,855 as follows: $648,342 in FY 22 and $972,513 in FY 23 for MM4703.06 - Duarte Gold Line Station Pedestrian Access and Bicyclist Safety Improvements, Phase II. The funds will be used to complete the construction phase of the project.
SGVCOG (La Verne)
• Reprogram $895,500 as follows: $9,691 in FY 20, $397,000 in FY 21, and $488,809 in FY 22 for MM4703.07 - Gold Line Transit Oriented Development Pedestrian Bridge. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E phase of the project.
San Dimas
• Reprogram $895,500 as follows: $895,500 in FY 24 for MM4703.08 - San Dimas Ave. Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvement Project from Gold Line Station to Avenida Loma Vista. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
South El Monte
• Reprogram $5,671,500 as follows: $512,284 in FY 22, $829,451 in FY 23 and $4,329,765 in FY 24 for MM4703.09 - Santa Anita Avenue Walkability Project. The funds will be used to complete the PS&E and construction phases of the project.
Equity Platform
Consistent with Metro’s Equity Platform, the MSP outreach effort recognizes and acknowledges the need to establish comprehensive, multiple forums to meaningfully engage the community to comment on the proposed projects under all Programs. The SGVCOG along with member agencies and unincorporated area within Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts 1, 4, and 5 undertook an extensive outreach effort and invited the general public to a series of public workshops and meetings. Metro will continue to work with the Subregion to seek opportunities to reach out to a broader constituency of stakeholders.
Programming of Measure M MSP funds to the San Gabriel Subregion projects will not have any adverse safety impacts on Metro’s employees or patrons.
In FY 2020-21, $4.07 million is budgeted in Cost Center 0441 (Subsidies to Others) for the Active Transportation Program (Project #474401), and $3.09 million is budgeted in Cost Center 0441 (Subsidies to Others) for the Transit Program (Project #474102). Upon approval of this action, staff will reallocate necessary funds to appropriate projects within Cost Centers 0441. Since these are multi-year projects, Cost Center 0441 will be responsible for budgeting the cost in future years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds for these projects are Measure M Highway Construction 17% and Measure M Transit Construction 35%. These fund sources are not eligible for Metro bus and rail operating and capital expenditures.
Recommendation supports the following goals of the Metro Vision 2028 Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling by alleviating the current operational deficiencies and improving mobility along the projects.
Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration by partnering with the Council of Governments and the local jurisdictions to identify the needed improvements and take the lead in development and implementation of their projects.
The Board could elect not to approve the reprogramming of funds for the Measure M MSP projects for the San Gabriel Subregion. This is not recommended as the proposed projects were developed by the Subregion in accordance with the Measure M Ordinance, Guidelines and the Administrative Procedures.
Metro staff will continue to work with the Subregion to identify and deliver projects. Program/Project updates will be provided to the Board on an annual basis.
Attachment A - Bus System Improvement Program Project List
Attachment B - Active Transportation Program Project List
Attachment C - First/Last Mile and Complete Streets Program Project List
Attachment D - Highway Efficiency Program Project List
Prepared by: Fanny Pan, DEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3433
Shawn Atlow, EO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3327
Laurie Lombardi, SEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3251
Reviewed by: James de la Loza, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-2920