SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
A. APPROVING the Metro Advisory Body Compensation Policy (ABCP) (Attachment B); and
B. DELEGATING authority to the CEO, or CEO’s designee, to compensate Metro advisory body members pursuant to Metro’s ABCP Administrative Policy or as otherwise approved by the Metro Board.
During the Metro Board Meeting on February 25, 2021, Directors Mitchell, Garcetti, Solis, Kuehl, and Dupont-Walker requested a report to the Board with a review of compensation for Metro's advisory bodies and a policy for the reasonable compensation of their members (see Attachment A).
Metro hosts a diverse range of councils, committees, and other advisory groups, most of whom have members who are not compensated for their time or expertise. The Advisory Body Compensation Policy offers a compensation model for participation by public members in Metro’s advisory bodies across its portfolio. Metro recognizes that our planning and decision-making processes could perpetuate practices that harm our most marginalized and vulnerable users without the participation of advisory group members with diverse and important cultural, geographic, or historically marginalized experiences. The time, expertise, and responsibility that public members bring to Metro advisory bodies are valuable to the agency and should be duly compensated through a standardized process.
The ABCP was developed by the Office of Equity and Race in partnership with the Offices of Communications, Ethics, Planning, and County Counsel to ensure the Policy is holistic and comprehensive in its application. Lead departments, offices, or units of existing advisory bodies were also consulted in the development of the ABCP.
The Advisory Body Compensation Policy was developed after a review of best practices. Staff conducted a literature review of national and local government agencies that have developed compensation policies for advisory bodies, including the cities/towns of Seattle, Los Angeles, Boulder, Chicago, Mill Valley, and Palm Beach, the county of Los Angeles, and Oregon Metro. Compensation frameworks of Oregon Metro, Palm Beach (town), and Los Angeles County emerged as the most compelling and relevant case studies and were used to develop the framework for ABCP.
All compensation policies reviewed recognize that compensation for advisory members acknowledges the unique expertise that public members bring forth to advisory bodies through lived experience and cultural expertise that an Agency would otherwise not have if members of the public were not on advisory bodies.
Defining Advisory Bodies
Advisory bodies are groups, regardless of name, that provide input to Metro on program, project, and other issues, and develop recommendations, when requested, to enhance projects, programs, or other provisions. Below is a list of factors for determining whether a body is an eligible advisory body under the ABCP. An eligible advisory body does not need to fulfill every qualifier listed below to be eligible for the ABCP, nor is the list intended to be inclusive of all roles that advisory bodies may play at Metro.
Advisory bodies are groups that:
• Have defined roles, responsibilities, and membership
• Have members who offer specific or unique perspective, knowledge, skills, or experience which Metro may not have or otherwise adds value to Metro’s work
• Provide input and recommendations to Metro on projects, scopes of work, programs, policies, budgets, and other provisions
• Review and evaluate the various transportation proposals and alternatives within Los Angeles County
• Provide technical input and assistance to Metro on issues affecting local transit systems or transportation programs in Los Angeles County
• Assist Metro in improving and promoting bus and rail services to specific populations
• Assist Metro in improving and promoting transportation related projects and programs to specific populations
• Provide independent oversight and enhanced level of accountability for expenditures of sales tax revenues made under the adopted expenditure plan(s)
Eligibility for Advisory Body Compensation Policy
Members of any formal advisory body, which has been created or sanctioned by Metro now or in the future, are eligible for compensation as of the effective date unless determined ineligible by preceding legislation or charters or bylaws.
Metro currently has 16 advisory bodies, with the five service councils, Measure M Oversight Committee, and the Public Safety Advisory Committee (as of July 2021) being the only groups currently receiving or approved to receive compensation. All advisory bodies created or sanctioned by Metro in the future will be eligible for compensation under the ABCP, unless determined ineligible by legislation or provisions in the ABCP. See Attachment C B for eligibility determinations for existing advisory bodies.
Advisory Body Member Tiers
The ABCP has three tier categories for compensation: 1) Advise, 2) Advise and Prepare, and 3) Advise and Collaborate. The level of responsibility and roles of the advisory member increase with each tier, along with the compensation rate. Tiers focus on the advisory body member’s potential time commitment, roles, and responsibilities while serving on the advisory body.
• The Advise tier applies to advisory body members who largely play an advisor for Metro staff with minimal responsibilities outside of attending meetings.
• The Advise and Prepare tier applies to body members responsible for one to two hours of preparation for meetings on top of attending meetings.
• The Advise and Collaborate tier applies to members whose responsibilities include collaboration with other members, Metro staff, and/or other community members or external partners, to develop a shared vision and outcomes.
Advisory Body Compensation Structure
The ABCP compensation structure includes three tiers of compensation, starting at $100 per meeting, with a maximum of $200 per meeting. Alternates encouraged to attend and/or participate in their body meetings will be paid $25 less than the assigned compensation tier for their advisory body. Participation in any subcommittee meetings will be compensated at a rate of $50 per meeting and count toward the annual cap rate for their compensation tier or advisory body membership type. All compensation is subject to increases based upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI). See the table below for a full outline of the compensation fee structure by compensation tier.
The ABCP includes an annual cap on compensation totals for advisory body member participation for each fiscal year. A cap, or maximum, serves to manage budget and workload for each advisory body, but does not preclude a department from providing additional compensation with justification. All advisory members will be compensated only for meetings attended, regardless of the advisory body meeting schedule.
Metro Advisory Body Compensation Structure* |
Compensation Tier |
Regular Compensation Rate |
Maximum Compensation Per Fiscal Year |
Alternate Rate |
Maximum Compensation Per Fiscal Year |
Advise |
$ 100 per meeting |
$3,100 |
$75 per meeting |
$2,500 |
Advise and Prepare |
$ 150 per meeting |
$4,300 |
$125 per meeting |
$3,700 |
Advise and Collaborate |
$ 200 per meeting |
$5,500 |
$175 per meeting |
$4,900 |
Subcommittee Participation Only |
$ 50 per meeting |
$1,200 |
$50 per meeting |
$1,200 |
*CPI annual increases can occur.
Advisory Body Member Compensation Eligibility
All public members serving on Metro advisory bodies will be eligible for compensation regardless of immigration status, housing status, ability, or any other status that may be a barrier to participation. The ABCP excludes Metro employees and any public agency, Councils of Government, or elected office staff who serve on advisory bodies as part of their professional role. Members who 1) work for a contractor or organization holding an active contract with LACMTA and 2) participate or are listed in the contract activities, while serving on an advisory body are not eligible for advisory body compensation for the contract duration. This applies to all contractors, including non-profit organizations and community-based organizations. Further, the ABCP only applies to members of the public who are formal members of Metro created and sanctioned advisory bodies. Application of the ABCP to future advisory bodies will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
The ABCP includes potential compensation alternatives for those who may not be able to accept compensation in the form of a check or direct deposit, which will be finalized in the forthcoming Implementation Guidelines.
Compensation Agreement
Receiving compensation from Metro is entirely voluntary and is not required. Members of the public can choose to opt in or out of receiving compensation from Metro via the Compensation Agreement which all advisory body members will be required to sign.
The financial impact to the FY22 budget will be determined by individual departments, in consultation with the Office of Equity and Race and Community Relations, as they implement the ABCP. Overall, the financial impact is estimated to range from $331,200 to $1,518,000 per fiscal year, inclusive of all existing advisory bodies eligible. The actual amount will depend on the final determination of the tier level for each existing advisory body and the determination of eligibility for new advisory bodies.
The Advisory Body Compensation Policy is one tool in a growing toolkit, that helps reduce barriers and support participation in Metro’s decision-making and planning processes. The ABCP helps advance equitable outcomes that uplift the lived experiences of historically marginalized and vulnerable users by providing compensation and alleviating a financial barrier to participation for members who do not have the ability to donate their time to Metro. All public members, regardless of immigration status, housing status, ability, or any other status that may be a barrier to participation, are eligible for the ABCP.
This recommendation supports strategic plan goals #4.1 and #3.3 by helping Metro collaborate with the public, foster trust with everyday stakeholders in its planning processes and creates an opportunity for robust community engagement opportunities that reflect the communities Metro serves.
The Office of Equity and Race will develop Implementation Guidelines to accompany the ABCP and support staff implementing the ABCP to their advisory bodies. Training will also be provided to all Metro staff who lead an advisory body to ensure comprehensive application of the ABCP.
Attachment A - 2021-0187 Board Motion
Attachment B - Advisory Body Compensation Policy
Attachment B C - Existing Advisory Body Compensation Charts
Prepared by: Carolyn Vera, Principal Transportation Planner, OER (213) 424-5994
KeAndra Cylear Dodds, Executive Officer, OER (213) 922-4850
Reviewed by: Nicole Englund, Chief of Staff, (213) 922-7950