File #: 2022-0414   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 6/16/2022 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 8/25/2022 Final action: 8/25/2022
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 4 to Contract No. MA52153000 with Molina Manufacturing for the A650 Heavy Rail Vehicle (HRV) Vinyl Seat Overhaul contract to extend the Period of Performance by 24 months through September 4, 2025, and increase the Not-to-Exceed Total Contract Price by $499,110, from $475,040.24 to $974,150.24.
Sponsors: Operations, Safety, and Customer Experience Commit
Indexes: Cleaning, Cleanliness (Graffiti Abatement), Contracts, Gloria Molina?, Graffiti, Metro Rail B Line, Procurement, Program, Project, Rail Fleet Services, Rail Operations - Red Line (Project), Railroad commuter service, Rolling stock, Safety, Vandalism, Vehicle fleets
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - MOD Log, 3. Attachment C - DEOD Summary
Related files: 2022-0653



AUGUST 18, 2022













AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 4 to Contract No. MA52153000 with Molina Manufacturing for the A650 Heavy Rail Vehicle (HRV) Vinyl Seat Overhaul contract to extend the Period of Performance by 24 months through September 4, 2025, and increase the Not-to-Exceed Total Contract Price by $499,110, from $475,040.24 to $974,150.24. 





The A650 Red and Purple HRV vinyl seat overhaul project is in line with Metro’s “Customer First,” “Cleanliness Program,” improving the Customer Experience initiatives by providing clean and safe rail vehicles for all Metro customers.


In recent months, Metro has identified an increase in seat damage. This has led to the fabric seat material's wear and tear, leaving unclean and/or unsafe seat conditions. The overhaul program not only provides a lower cost to the agency but replaces the fabric material with a vinyl material that is easier to clean, sanitize, and wipe down. 


Additionally, due to the increase in vandalism on the subway cars, particularly with “graffiti” on the vinyl seat inserts, it has become increasingly necessary to replace seat inserts to properly maintain the car interiors. Extending the contract and increasing the contract price by $499,110 gives the staff the authority to execute the necessary repairs and replacements.


To date, Metro has replaced a total of 9,600 seats for the A650 Red and Purple HRV fleet.  Currently, there are 600 seats in need of replacement to complete this project.  In addition, the contract modification will not only complete the remaining seat replacements and will support additional seat replacements on an as-needed basis. 







Contract No. MA52153000 was awarded to Molina Manufacturing on September 5, 2018 in the amount of $375,040.24, to replace fabric material with vinyl material, including the installation of a drain hole onto the seat bottom allowing fluids to drain onto the floor and not accumulate onto the seat bottom. 


This contract modification will increase the quantities to repair and replace the car seats and will provide for an extension to the contract while a new contract is being developed and awarded.





Cleanliness is a highly rated issue of importance for Metro riders and the reupholstering of the seat inserts enhances Metro’s cleaning and sanitation programs to ensure clean, reliable, and safe rail transportation services.

Awarding this contract will ensure the red and purple lines located at Division 20 have adequate inventory to replace damaged seat inserts and for any remaining rail cars requiring conversion from cloth to vinyl material.  This contract will allow Metro to stock a supply of seat inserts and replace the seat inserts when found with graffiti, cuts in the vinyl material, or otherwise damaged in order to ensure a continued high-quality environment for our passengers. 

The vinyl seat inserts will improve interior vehicle cleanliness and improve our customer’s experience.  Per the Chief Executive Officer’s directive, Metro is actively working on the conversion of the entire fleet of rail vehicles to vinyl seat inserts by the end of the Fiscal Year 2023, and the award of this contract is expected to provide the inventory of vinyl seats for the heavy rail fleet to achieve this objective. 

To date, the A650 Red and Purple HRV fleet is approximately 94% completed in terms of vinyl seats and this contract extension will ensure that Metro completes the transition of A650 vehicles from fabric to vinyl material.  With the goal of full conversion to vinyl seats for the heavy rail, light rail, and bus fleets by the end of FY23, staff will monitor production rates for the seat inserts and bring forth a new solicitation and contract award should an additional vendor be required to supplement production to achieve the FY23 date.


This work is required to maintain the vehicles in a State-of-Good-Repair, safety and reliability, as well as to support the best possible Customer Experience. 





The vinyl seat inserts allow for easy maintenance of soiled or damaged seats and deter the spread of potential diseases.  Clean, safe, and reliable cars are all part of ensuring that our Customer’s Experience is enjoyable.





Funding of $499,110.24 for the Contract Modification Authority is included in the Cost Center 3942, Project 300044 Account 50441. 


Impact to Budget

The current source of funding for this action includes Prop C, TDA, &STA. Using these funding sources maximizes the project funding allocations allowed by approved provisions and guidelines.




Approval of recommendation ensures successful completion of the vinyl seat overhaul and repair project; and will ensure that the rail fleet that serves Los Angeles County and disproportionately serves marginalized groups and the vulnerable, provides clean and safe transportation services.


The Red and Purple rail lines utilize all of the heavy rail fleet vehicles in Metro’s system and based on the 2019 Customer Survey, the Red and Purple heavy rail lines serve the following ridership:


                     27.7% below the poverty line

                     56.4% had no car available

                     Rider Ethnicity: Latino 38.9%; Black 13.1%; White 25.8%; Asian/Pacific Islander 15.2%; Other 6.5%


In addition, areas served include Union Station to Downtown LA, Koreatown (Wilshire/Western), Hollywood, Universal City, and North Hollywood, a majority of which serve people living in Equity Focus Communities.

Molina Manufacturing is a certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) firm located in Torrance, California and will be performing the services on this contract with its own workforce.





The recommendation supports Metro Strategic Plan Goal 5) Provide Responsive, Accountable, and Trustworthy governance within the Metro organization. Contract Modification Authority and Contract extension safeguards overhaul production continuance while meeting passenger safety and fleet reliably.





Deferral of the vinyl seat overhaul project is not recommended as this approach is contrary to Metro’s passenger-first initiatives. The alternative is to not award the contract and procure the vinyl seat inserts as needed, using the traditional “min/max” replenishment system method.  This strategy is not recommended since it does not provide for a commitment from the supplier to ensure availability, timely delivery, continued supply, and a guaranteed fixed price for the parts. This alternative strategy could also impact the lead time for securing the material to reupholster the seat inserts, resulting in delays in completing the fleet conversion.





Upon Board approval, the vinyl seat overhaul program will continue with the Contractor relacing fabric material with vinyl and completing necessary modifications to the seat inserts.





Attachment A - Procurement Summary

Attachment B - Mod Log

Attachment C - DEOD Summary



Prepared by:              Bob Spadafora, Senior Executive Officer, Rail Fleet Services

(213) 922-3144

                                                  Richard M. Lozano, Senior Director, Rail Fleet Services

                     (323) 224-4042

                     Debra Avila, Deputy Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer, (213) 418-3051



Reviewed by:                      

Conan Cheung, Chief Operations Officer (213) 418-3034