DECEMBER 1, 2016
Motion by:
Directors Knabe and DuBois
December 1, 2016
Relating to Item 41, File ID 2016-0877
Comprehensive Transit Law Enforcement Services
The safety and security of our Metro customers should be the Metro Board's number one priority. Currently, the vast Metro Transit System of interconnected facilities and services spans across the entire County of Los Angeles region and receives consolidated law enforcement services through one contract law enforcement agency, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD). Metro staff proposes a dramatic shift from a single, comprehensive provider to a multi-agency approach, without a lead law enforcement agency. In partnership with the County LASD, Metro has invested greatly in and worked toward building an experienced transit law enforcement services program. However, Metro staff has proposed a new model where there would now be a Metro (Civilian) Chief, but Metro staff does not have the authority to act as a lead agency over law enforcement (sworn) personnel. The staff proposal has also raised other fundamental issues and concerns, and would eliminate the explosive canine detail and counter terrorism team (TIU) that currently serves our transit system. It makes the most sense to keep the core transit experience of what has been built over many years by Metro and the County Sheriff's, and augment with additional agencies (LAPD and LBPD), while maintaining the county LASD as the overarching lead agency.
WE, THEREFORE, MOVE that the Board:
A. AUTHORIZES the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Modification to the Contract with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department (LASD) to provide law enforcement services for an additional three months in an amount not-to-exceed the current monthly levels of contracted costs;
B. INSTRUCTS the CEO to work with other policing agencies to develop transit enforcement MOUs; and
C. REQUESTS staff to retur...
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