MARCH 16, 2016
AUTHORIZE the Metro Open Streets Grant Program Cycle 2 Application and Guidelines.
AMENDMENT by SOLIS that bonus points be given to disadvantaged communities and have multi-jurisdictional/regional events using the CalEnviroScreen assistance for first time applicants. Also asked staff to seek opportunities to work with the Councils of Governments.
In June 2013 the Board adopted Motion 72 (Attachment B), directing staff to award up to $2 million annually to support Open Street events. Cycle 2 guidelines and application (Attachment A) build on the Cycle 1 framework to support a competitive process. Board authorization of the Open Streets Cycle 2 competitive grant program, application package and guidelines are needed in order to proceed.
Open Street events are temporary one-day events that close streets to automotive traffic and open them to people to walk, bike or roll. Cycle 1 of the Open Streets Grant Program was successful in encouraging participants to ride transit and walk and ride a bike on urban streets, possibly for the first time. The Open Streets Grant program provides opportunities for economic development and the improvement of public health, since they get people out onto the street patronizing local businesses - all while exercising and interacting with their community. The Metro Outreach Booth at Open Streets events provides a platform for public input on Metro active transportation corridor projects such as the LA River and Rail to River and other programs, including the Countywide Bike Share Program. During Cycle 2 events the booth will continue to provide a location in the community to promote Metro programs.
Cycle 1 Implementation
In response to Motion 72 (Attachment B) staff developed a comprehensive framework and competitive grant process to solicit and evaluate applications for open street events throughout Los Angeles County. At the June 18, 2014 meeting, the Board awarded $3.7 million to 12 jurisdictions (Attachment C). To date, 5 of the 12 events awarded funding in Cycle 1 have been staged totaling nearly 32 miles of streets closed to cars and opened to pedestrians, bicyclists and other non-motorized forms of transportation. The remaining events to be held in spring 2016 will add an additional 52 miles of Open Streets. The events have allowed participants to experience the region in a car-free and or car-light manner and ride transit possibly for the first time.
To support cities in executing Open Street events, staff held a half day workshop that highlighted the objectives of the program; the process for planning, implementation and reimbursement; and showcased examples of previous successful regional events.
Cycle 1 Evaluation
Per Board Motion 72, staff has begun to conduct an evaluation of Cycle 1 utilizing grantee’s post implementation reports, transit TAP data and other sources. The initial event data shows:
• Boarding on the Metro Expo Line increased 26% during the December 7, 2014 CicLAvia: South LA;
• Metro Gold Line Boarding increased by 32% during the May 31, 2015 CicLAvia: Pasadena;
• 86% of responding businesses along the Long Beach: Beach Streets route responded that they would like to see another Open Streets event in their community
• Overall sales of Day Passes to the Metro system increased an average of 17% systemwide on the day of events and;
• Sales of 30 Day Passes increased 12% on the day of events.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) package is expected to be released in the spring of 2016 seeking the professional services of a contractor to conduct an in depth evaluation study of the twelve events included in Cycle 1. The evaluation study will be completed upon receipt of all Cycle 1 post event evaluation reports.
Cycle 2 initiation
The success of the Open Streets Grant Program funded events to date has been the result of the strong partnership among Metro, the grantee cities, and nonprofits such as CicLAvia, Bikeable Communities, BikeSGV and others. Staff will encourage similar partnerships with the Cycle 2 Open Street Program solicitation process. The proposed application and guidelines for Cycle 2 are informed by feedback from applicants, grantees and participants of Cycle 1. In response to feedback and in order to ensure that the Cycle 2 program continues to serve to increase multi-modal access, advance active transportation at local levels and encourage transit usage, the following modifications have been made to the application and guidelines:
• Proposed route length should be based on national and regional best practices;
• Event should be regional in nature, having the ability to attract participants from surrounding and countywide jurisdictions
• Applicants will be required to include a detailed transit agency coordination plan with Metro and any other agencies operating service adjacent to the event route
• A maximum funding ceiling was implemented based on population share for large cities and $149,000 for smaller cities not partnering with other jurisdictions. The amount of $149,000 is utilized since it is a sufficient amount of funds to create a community-scaled open streets event based on cost observed in Cycle 1 and it is the maximum amount the FHWA allows for a simple procurement process.
• Counts of bicyclists exiting at all rail transit stations directly adjacent to the event route will be required as part of the post event reporting requirements.
• Day of event surveys of participants arriving to Open Street events on rail to determine frequency of Metro Rail ridership will be required as part of the post event reporting requirements.
• Metro’s selected Cycle 1 evaluation study contractor will provide support to Cycle 2 grantees to assist with data collection of participation counts, surveys and other information.
Approval of this program will have no impact on safety on our employees or patrons.
There is no impact to the FY 16 budget. Up to $4 million for Cycle 2 will be requested during the FY 2017 and FY 2018 budget process. As this is a multi-year program it will be the responsibility of the cost center manager and the Chief Planning Officer to budget funds in future years.
Impact to Budget
There is no impact to the FY16 budget. Staff will work with Regional Programming, Budget and Local Programs and the Office of Financial Services to identify a funding source and will request funds through the FY17 budget process.
The Board has the option to not approve the Cycle 2 initiation. This alternative is not recommended as it is not in line with previous Board direction.
Upon Board approval, staff will release the application package for the Open Streets program. An easy to fill-out web-based application will be utilized and an informational workshop will be held for applicants. It is anticipated that the application will be released in early spring 2016 with staff returning for Board approval of the Cycle 2 Open Street Grant Program in fall 2016.
Attachment A - Open Streets Cycle 2 Application Package & Guidelines
Attachment B - June 27, 2013 Board Motion #72
Attachment C - June 18, 2014 Planning and Programming Committee Item #15
Prepared by: Brett Thomas, Transportation Planner I, (213) 922-7535
Avital Shavit, Transportation Planning Manager V, (213) 922-7518
Laura Cornejo, Deputy Executive Officer Countywide Planning, (213) 922-2885
Diego Cardoso, Executive Officer Countywide Planning, (213) 922-3076
Reviewed by: Calvin E. Hollis, Interim Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7319