File #: 2021-0082   
Type: Contract Status: Withdrawn
File created: 2/26/2021 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 4/15/2021 Final action: 4/15/2021
Title: AUTHORIZE: A. An increase in authorized funding for Contract No. AE35279 with Kal Krishnan Consulting Services/Triunity Engineering and Management Joint Venture (KTJV), for pending and future Contract Work Orders to provide Program Management Support Services (PMSS) in an amount not-to-exceed $8,000,000, increasing the current authorized funding limit for the base contract from $63,347,705 to $71,347,705 through FY22; B. The exercise of the two-year option in the amount not-to-exceed $27,461,365, increasing the authorized funding limit from $71,347,705 to $98,809,070 for FY23 and FY24; C. The CEO or designee to execute individual Contract Work Orders (CWOs) and Contract Modifications within the Board authorized contract funding amount; and D. Authorize the CEO or direct staff to work with KTJV to develop a plan to achieve the 73.31% DBE commitment for this contract, and to meet this commitment by the end of calendar year 2021. If approved, the two-year option shall only be execute...
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Construction, Contract administration, Contracts, Procurement, Professional Services, Program management, Project, Project delivery, Project management, Safety
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - Contract Work Order/Modification Log, 3. Attachment C - DEOD Summary, 4. Attachment D - Current Support Provided by Project Category, 5. Attachment E - Current and Anticipated List of Projects
Related files: 2021-0250
APRIL 15, 2021





A. An increase in authorized funding for Contract No. AE35279 with Kal Krishnan Consulting Services/Triunity Engineering and Management Joint Venture (KTJV), for pending and future Contract Work Orders to provide Program Management Support Services (PMSS) in an amount not-to-exceed $8,000,000, increasing the current authorized funding limit for the base contract from $63,347,705 to $71,347,705 through FY22;

B. The exercise of the two-year option in the amount not-to-exceed $27,461,365, increasing the authorized funding limit from $71,347,705 to $98,809,070 for FY23 and FY24;

C. The CEO or designee to execute individual Contract Work Orders (CWOs) and Contract Modifications within the Board authorized contract funding amount; and

D. Authorize the CEO or direct staff to work with KTJV to develop a plan to achieve the 73.31% DBE commitment for this contract, and to meet this commitment by the end of calendar year 2021. If approved, the two-year option shall only be executed upon meeting the 73.31% commitment.


In June 2017, the Board approved awarding a five-year cost reimbursable fixed fee Contract No. AE35279, plus one two-year option, to KTJV, a DBE Prime Joint Venture, for Program Management Support Services for not-to-exceed $90,809,070. This created the largest small business led consultant services contract at Metro. The Board action provided initial funding not-to-exceed $24,970,960 through the end of FY19 as part of a multiyear contract with an anticipated five-year base contract value of $63,347,705 plus $27,461,365 for one two-year option, for a combined total amount not-to-exceed $90,809,070 for seven years.

In April 2019, the Board approved two additional years of funding increasing the total not-to-exceed amount to $51,306,204 for the fir...

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