File #: 2021-0574   
Type: Program Status: Passed
File created: 8/23/2021 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 9/23/2021 Final action: 9/23/2021
Title: CONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the FSI funding plan for Phase 1 (K-14) and Phase 2 (low-income riders) pilots (Attachment A) and status report; B. APPROVING implementation of Phase 1 (K-14); and C. APPROVING Low Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) improvements (Attachment G).
Sponsors: Executive Management Committee
Indexes: Budgeting, Funding plan, Hilda Solis, Labor, Motion / Motion Response, Outreach, Payment, Pilot studies, Plan, Program, Ridership, Westside/Central Service Sector
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - FSI Funding Plan, 2. Attachment B - LACMOA Letter to Metro 8-31-21, 3. Attachment C - Participating Transit Agencies, 4. Attachment D - Participating K-12 School Districts, 5. Attachment E - Test Group Data, 6. Attachment F - FSI Phase 2 Registration Methodologies, 7. Attachment G LIFE Program Improvements, 8. Attachment H – File # 2021-0372 May 2021 Board Motion on FSI, 9. Attachment I - Fare Collection-Public Education Campaign Revised 9-17-2021 v2, 10. Presentation, 11. FSI Presentation - Board
Related files: 2021-0627
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021





A. RECEIVING AND FILING the FSI funding plan for Phase 1 (K-14) and Phase 2 (low-income riders) pilots (Attachment A) and status report;

B. APPROVING implementation of Phase 1 (K-14); and

C. APPROVING Low Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) improvements (Attachment G).


On May 27, 2021, the Board passed Motion 45 (Garcetti, Mitchell, Krekorian, Hahn, Bonin, and Solis) on implementation strategies for the Fareless Systems Initiative (FSI). The motion directed the Chief Executive Officer to implement the Fareless System Initiative, subject to a final funding plan and while pursuing cost-sharing agreements, and report to the Board monthly on the development, launch, and performance of FSI. This report requests Board approval of the funding plan for FSI Phase 1 (K-14) and Phase 2 (low-income riders), as well as provides an update on the administrative coordination and financial viability of both phases, including the participation of municipal and local operators, impact to Access Services, the cost of fare collection, changes to the existing fare subsidy program, and the feasibility of using the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the pilot.


A fareless transit system in Los Angeles County is both an investment in social mobility and an important tool to assist in the fight against income and health inequality. A fareless system makes Metro more accessible, while providing financial relief from the ever-rising cost of living for the working poor. The cost barrier to transit disproportionately impacts low-income households. High transportation costs limit mobility and access to employment, education, medical care, and social services.

FSI will allow the State and Federal government to more quickly rea...

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