NOVEMBER 16, 2022
AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer or her designee to:
A. PROCEED with property acquisition and negotiation related activities in support of the Chatsworth Station Improvements, El Monte Siding Extension, Marengo Siding Extension, and Burbank Junction Speed Improvements Metrolink SCORE Phase 1 Program capital projects within Los Angeles County (SCORE Projects);
B. EXECUTE funding agreements with SCRRA in the amount of $4,177,500 for the SCORE Projects; and,
C. NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE all necessary agreements and/or amendments with SCRRA for Metro support associated with the SCORE Projects.
At request of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), approval of the recommended actions will support the Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion Program (SCORE) Phase 1 Program by providing Real Estate, Design Review, Third Party Utility Coordination Support and Community Outreach Support.
Metro is a member of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) Joint Powers Authority, which operates Metrolink commuter rail service in and through LA County. In September 2019, the Metro Board received a presentation on the Metrolink SCORE Program and approved a Board motion to “adopt as policy SUPPORT for the build-out of the Metrolink SCORE master plan to improve regional mobility, increase transit ridership, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
SCORE Program
SCORE is SCRRA’s $10 Billion capital program which invests in track, signal, grade crossing, station, and other capacity and safety improvements to meet the region’s future passenger rail needs. When SCORE is implemented, anticipated in time for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games, most Metrolink lines will have the capacity to operate 30-minute bi-directional service, a significant increase compared to current service levels. Additional SCORE benefits will include cleaner air and greenhouse gas reductions, more access to jobs, economic development and affordable housing, and seamless connections to other transportation services as described further in the Attachment A to this report.
Los Angeles County would see reduced traffic congestion and emissions on adjacent freeways, as Metrolink removes the equivalent of one lane of parallel freeway traffic during the peak hour in peak direction in some locations, with similar improvements in other counties served. Fewer vehicles on the road results in fewer accidents, reduced air pollution and emissions, and decreased energy consumption for the residents in Los Angeles County. The envisioned SCORE program is expected to reduce 7.4 million pounds of reactive organic gas emissions, 103.6 million pounds of oxides of nitrogen, 3.6 million pounds of atmospheric particulate matter that have a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers, and 4.0 million pounds of diesel particulate matter (black soot) between 2023 and 2078, and well beyond.
The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation produced a study assessing the impact of the construction investment in the SCORE program. Through construction and service improvements, Los Angeles County residents can expect to see 45,700 new jobs and $9.801 billion in gross regional product by 2028. By 2050, there will be 704,900 new jobs and a collective total of $356 billion in economic activity. To date, SCRRA has received $2.3 Billion in committed funding, and most of the projects are in various stages of environmental clearance, design, and pre-construction activities. Of the committed funding to-date, Metro had a significant role in achieving total awarded funds. In partnership with the SCORE Program, Metro was successfully awarded $337.57 million by CalSTA in 2018 TIRCP grant funds toward the LINK Union Station Phase A project. Then in 2019, North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition Board committed up to $113.8 million using Measure M subregional funds in order for Metro to successfully receive an additional $97.05 million by CalSTA in 2020 TIRCP grant funds for the Antelope Valley Line Capital Improvements consisting of Balboa Double Track, Canyon Siding Extension, Lancaster Terminal Improvements and Brighton to McKinley Double Track Improvements. It should be noted, Brighton to McKinley is Segment 1 of the Brighton to Roxford Double Track Improvements which is now in 90% final design. Attachment B shows the location of the 21 SCORE Phase 1 projects that SCRRA or the member agencies are currently advancing to a shovel-ready level.
Staff is requesting approval of the recommended actions that provide support services to SCRRA for four (4) of the 21 capital projects for the Metrolink SCORE Phase 1 program which include Chatsworth Station Improvements, El Monte Siding Extension, Marengo Siding Extension, and Burbank Junction Speed Improvements (i.e the SCORE Projects).
SCRRA is currently in final design process for Chatsworth Station Improvements, El Monte Siding Extension and Marengo Siding Extension projects. The Burbank Junction Speed Improvements project is starting construction which is entirely within the Metro owned right-of-way. On a parallel path, SCRRA is in the process of completing appraisals and preparing to extend offers for various parcels on the other projects. SCRRA requests that Metro provides various real estate services in support of property acquisition, including condemnation support, if needed. SCRRA also requests that Metro provide additional support services for design review, third party utility coordination support and communication outreach support on an as needed basis. See Attachment C for a list of representative Metro tasks and responsibilities in support of the SCORE Phase 1 Program.
Supporting Four SCORE Phase 1 Projects
Metro staff has worked closely with SCRRA staff to develop separate funding agreements for Chatsworth Station Improvements, El Monte Siding Extension, Marengo Siding Extension and Burbank Junction Speed Improvement projects which will identify roles and responsibilities, terms, and reimbursement to Metro for providing support services for the SCORE Phase 1 Program as summarized below.
Chatsworth Station Improvements
The Chatsworth Station Improvements Project will create a pedestrian underpass and make other pedestrian, signal, and track improvements at the Metrolink Chatsworth Station such track rehabilitation, signal upgrades, and removal of an existing pedestrian at-grade crossing. Representative Metro support functions may include design oversight and condemnation counsel support, plus property acquisition costs. Since this project is more than the CEO’s $500,000 signature authority, board action will authorize the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a funding agreement with SCRRA in the amount of $3,160,391 for the Chatsworth Station Improvements Project.
Burbank Junction Speed Improvements
The Burbank Junction Speed Improvement Project will install higher-speed trackwork. A new crossover will be installed between the Ventura and Valley subdivisions to assist with passenger train and freight movement. Other improvements include reconfiguration and lengthening of tracks within the railroad right-of-way, allowing this key junction to service trains more efficiently, ultimately leading to more frequent and reliable service. This project funding agreement with SCRRA will be under the CEO’s $500,000 limit for signature authority.
Marengo Siding Extension
The Marengo Siding Extension Project is along the San Bernardino line and will allow continuous movement of trains. The existing Marengo Siding will be lengthened by 3,300 feet towards Cal State Los Angeles. The work includes performing grading along the guideway, installing approximately 0.75 miles of track, installing a turnout, removing existing signals and installing new signals and segment of wall. This project funding agreement with SCRRA will be under the CEO’s $500,000 limit for signature authority.
El Monte Station Improvements and Siding Extension
The El Monte Station Improvements and Siding Extension project consist of two main items of work. First are the pedestrian improvements at the station and the Tyler Avenue grade crossing and second is the lengthening of the existing siding by approximately 2,900 feet further east to the Peck Road bridge, allowing for more capacity, throughput, and reliability along the Metrolink San Bernardino Line. Additional work involves sidewalk improvements, emergency swing gates, pedestrian gates, warning signals, walkway delineators and signage. Existing track shall be shifted, and new track will need to be constructed to support the additional trackwork. This project funding agreement with SCRRA will be under the CEO’s $500,000 limit for signature authority.
Other SCORE Phase 1 Program in Los Angeles County
The other SCORE Phase 1 capital projects will require separate funding agreements with specified roles and responsibilities for Metro and Metrolink under separate future board actions such as Link Union Station, Chatsworth ADA Improvements and the Antelope Valley Line Capital Improvements. It is important to note, the Antelope Valley Line Capital Improvements would provide the capacity required to allow commuter and intercity rail service to increase along the Antelope Valley Line to 30-minute bi-directional headways between Los Angeles Union Station and Santa Clarita Valley and up to 60 minute bi-directional headways to Lancaster Terminal by the year 2030.
The Metrolink SCORE Program will construct additional sidings, double track segments, pedestrian grade separated crossings, improved signal and communications infrastructure, and make quiet zone ready improvements to the at-grade crossings, all consistent with improved safety along the Metrolink commuter rail system. All improvements will be designed to the latest safety standards established by the FRA and other regulatory agencies.
SCRRA was awarded a $875,708,000 Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grant by CALSTA in April 2018 for the SCORE Program, including design and construction of these four capital projects. These Projects are eligible for funding and reimbursement of all Metro’s support service costs under the 2018 TIRCP grant.
Subject to Metro Board approval, the SCRRA funding agreements will provide a mechanism for SCRRA to reimburse Metro costs in support of the Metrolink SCORE Program. Eligible Metro costs for reimbursement would include staff time, property acquisition related costs, and consultant support costs. SCRRA has received CTC allocations of 2018 TIRCP funds for SCORE Phase 1 project costs for the four projects identified within this report. Metro will track SCORE Phase 1 project costs via a new project number, advance any expenses required to support the Metrolink SCORE program, generate monthly invoices and obtain reimbursement by SCRRA, via the funding agreement terms.
The Metrolink SCORE program represents a 21st Century transportation system accessible to residents in each of the five counties, regardless of occupation or neighborhood. In Los Angeles County, the SCORE Phase 1 capital projects would directly improve quality of life in the Equity Focus Communities of Lancaster, Santa Clarita, San Fernando, Chatsworth, Burbank, Glendale, Los Angeles, Monterey Park, Alhambra, El Monte and Rosemead, which have or are located near a Metrolink system station.
It should be noted, all four SCORE Phase 1 capital projects that Metro will be supporting are within or adjacent to the Equity Focus Communities of Chatsworth, Burbank, Monterey Park, Alhambra, El Monte and Rosemead. These four capital projects collectively have operations on three of the seven Metrolink Rail Networks. Specifically, the Rail Networks for the capital projects that Metro is supporting under the SCORE Phase 1 program operate on the Ventura County Line, Antelope Valley Line, and San Bernardino Line. The median income by Line is $76,166 on the Ventura, $40,823 on the Antelope Valley and $60,913 on the San Bernardino according to a 2022 Metrolink Rider Survey. 39% of all current Metrolink riders report household incomes below $50,000. The average age of Metrolink riders in 2022 has increased to 51 years. The same data shows rider demographics at 38% Hispanic or Latino, 31% White, 17% Asian or Pacific Islander, 10% African American and 4% Other.
Metro membership in the new Agency supports Vision 2028 Strategic Plan goals 1, 2 and 3, as follows:
• Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling;
• Goal 2: Deliver outstanding trip experiences for all users of the transportation system;
• Goal 3: Enhance communities and lives through mobility and access to opportunity;
The Board could choose to not provide support services to SCRRA, such as Real Estate services. This would not allow SCRRA to finalize acquisitions offers since Metro is the owners of the railroad corridor. In other cases, SCRRA would have more costly third party related expenses, and they would not have the benefit of the existing Metro utility agreements, experience and subject matter experts. Metro involvement is also required for project messaging and community outreach support using internal resources and connections only available to Metro. Since Metro involvement is required for these support functions, these Board actions will enable Metro staff and their consultants support teams to participate fully in the SCORE project delivery process and obtain reimbursement for Metro’s efforts.
Subject to Board approval of the staff recommendation, Metro and Metrolink will execute the funding agreement required for the Chatsworth Station Improvements, El Monte Siding Extension, Marengo Siding Extension, and Burbank Junction Speed Improvements Metrolink SCORE Phase 1 Program capital projects. This will enable Metro Real Estate to provide real estate related support services necessary to acquire permanent and temporary rights required for the four SCORE Phase 1 projects. Services include but are not limited to valuation analysis, acquisitions and negotiations, condemnation coordination, and execution of real estate related transactional documents. Metro Program Management will engage in design plan review and Third-party coordination support. Metro Community outreach staff will support future community meetings and SCORE project groundbreaking activities as requested by SCRRA, which will occur as early as November 2022. Staff will return to the Board on other SCORE Phase 1 Program in Los Angeles County such as the Link Union Station, Chatsworth ADA Improvements, and Antelope Valley Line Capital Improvements.
Attachment A - SCORE Program Fact Sheet
Attachment B - SCORE Phase 1 Projects
Attachment C - Metro Tasks in Support of SCRRA SCORE Phase 1 Program
Prepared by: Brian Balderrama, DEO, Program Management, (213) 418-3177
Craig Justesen, DEO, Real Estate, (213) 922-7051
Jeanet Owens, SEO, Program Management, (213) 418-3189
Reviewed by: James De La Loza, Chief Planning Officer, Countywide Planning and Development (213) 547-4215
Bryan Pennington, Chief Program Management Officer, Program Management (213) 922-7449