| 8. | Motion / Motion Response | RECEIVE AND FILE status report on Transit to Open Space and Parks Motion response. | | |
Not available
| 9. | Motion / Motion Response | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to:
A. CONDUCT a study for providing up to two additional stations in the City of Glendale and up to two additional stations in the City of Los Angeles as well as providing increased train service throughout the day from Union Station to the City of Burbank with opportunities to include expanded service to the Antelope Valley as a first step in examining increased rail connectivity in the Los Angeles, Glendale and Burbank Corridor. Additional stations would need to be spaced appropriately and limited so as not to severely affect travel time for those travelling beyond Burbank to the outer terminus of the lines in Ventura and the Antelope Valley;
B. PROGRAM AND AMEND the FY 17 budget to add $900,000 in Measure R Commuter Rail service funds to conduct this study; and
C. INVENTORY the options for increasing the City of Glendale’s access to the Regional Transit System given the existing baseline Metrolink and future High Speed Rail service. This inventory will examine the existing infrastructure, planned and funded projects and poten | | |
Not available
| 10. | Contract | APPROVE:
A. EXTENDING the Downtown Los Angeles Pilot for a period of 5 years.
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to exercise options and execute Modification No. 4 to Contract No. PS272680011357 with Bicycle Transit Systems, Inc. to account for an accelerated schedule for the implementation and operation of the Metro Countywide Bike Share expansion in Downtown Los Angeles for an additional 5 years and in Venice, Pasadena, and the Port of Los Angeles for 6 years in the firm fixed amount of $42,618,583, increasing the total contract value from $11,174,329 to $53,792,912 as follows:
1. Extending Downtown Los Angeles Pilot in the amount of $19,658,911
2. Expansion to Venice in the amount of $5,069,606
3. Expansion to Pasadena in the amount of $12,908,510 (inclusive of an initial two-year pilot for $4,731,689 plus options for four additional years)
4. Expansion to the Port of Los Angeles in the amount of $4,907,529
5. Implementing GPS equipment in bicycles to support Countywide modeling efforts in the amount of $74,027
C. AUTHORIZING the Life of Project bud | | |
Not available
| 11. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to:
A. EXECUTE Modification No. 13 to Contract No. PS10-4320-2618 with HDR Engineering, Inc. to prepare the Draft and Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Restoration of Historic Streetcar Service in Downtown Los Angeles, in the firm fixed amount of $361,149, increasing the total contract value from $3,075,793 to $3,436,942; and
B. INCREASE Contract Modification Authority (CMA) specific to Contract No. PS10-4320-2618 in the amount of $200,000, increasing the total authorized CMA amount from $476,000 to $676,000 to support potential additional environmental assessment work. | | |
Not available
| 12. | Program | CONSIDER:
A. APPROVING programming of up to $17.233 million from fiscal year (FY) 2016 Federal Department of Homeland Security Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) and State Proposition 1B California Transit Security Grant Program
funds that are available for eligible capital transit projects, as shown in
Attachment A;
B. AMENDING the FY 2017 budget to add $1.13 million in revenues and expenditures to begin implementing the recommended TSGP project shown in Attachment A; and
C. ADOPTING the required FY 2016 resolution, as shown in Attachment B, authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute any actions necessary for obtaining state financial assistance that the California Office of Emergency Services may provide. | | |
Not available
| 13. | Resolution | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to ADOPT:
A. the attached resolution (Attachment A) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the CEO’s Designee to negotiate, execute, and file federal, state, regional and local funding documents for Board-approved projects and activities.
B. the attached resolution (Attachment B) authorizing the CEO or the CEO’s Designee to execute and file Federal Transit Administration funding documents for Board-approved projects and activities. | | |
Not available